Log in QPR ProcessAnalyzer

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You need valid access rights to log in to QPR ProcessAnalyzer. There are two login methods: using organization account through SSO and built-in account. If the Log in using SSO button is available in the login screen, SSO login is enabled, and that's the likely login method in use in your organization.

Log in using SSO

QPR ProcessAnalyzer environment may have been connected to organization's user accounts using single-sign on (SSO) with SAML 2.0 protocol, indicated by the Login using SSO button in the login screen. When pressing the button, you are directed to your organizations' identity provider service where you will be authenticated. After the authentication, you are directed back to QPR ProcessAnalyzer as an authenticated user. When using the SSO, most often you don't see the QPR ProcessAnalyzer login screen, as you are directed right away to the identity provider.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer login screen is used only for the username and password for the built-in authentication, and thus you are not able to login with your organizations' user account using QPR ProcessAnalyzer login screen.

Log in using built-in account

If the SSO is not available, users will login using built-in user accounts, that are managed in QPR ProcessAnalyzer user management. Username and password are inputted using QPR ProcessAnalyzer login screen. Usually email address is used as the username. For the first login, you have received your password from your QPR ProcessAnalyzer administrator. It's recommended to change the password after the first login (open User Settings in the main menu).