Actions to Run Script in Table

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Dashboard functionality can be extended by running scripts that are started from the table's context menu. Scripts can for example call external web services or retrieve additional information for the selected rows.

When the script run is completed, the return value of the script is shown to the user as a popup message. If the script run fails, the error message is also shown to the user. If the script throws a user-defined exception, the thrown value is shown as popup message. If the script throws other than user-defined exception, the more detailed error message is shown as popup message. Loading animation is shown during the entire script run, so the script should preferably run pretty quickly.

The script action can be configured to be available only when a single row is selected in the table, or also when multiple rows are selected. Depending on the intended action, the multi-row selection may or may not be suitable.

Security note: The script are able to modify data in the system and the script is run with user's own permissions, so when running a script, make sure what the script contains.

Action settings

Following action settings are available:

  • type (mandatory): Use value RunScript to run a script.
  • label (mandatory): Text visible in the context menu item.
  • icon: Google Material icon visible in the context menu item.
  • projectName: Name of the project where the script is located. If not defined, the script is assumed to be found in the project where the dashboard is located.
  • scriptName: Name of the run script.
  • scriptId: Id of the run script. When defined, the projectName and scriptName parameters are ignored.
  • multiselect: Whether the script run is available when multiple rows are selected (true) or only when one row is selected (false). Default is true.
  • completedMessageHeader: Header text of the popup dialog shown when the action is successfully completed.
  • errorMessageHeader: Header text of the popup dialog shown when the action fails.
  • parameters: Object of additional parameters for the script. The parameters are available as a dictionary in the script.

The type and label are mandatory, and either the scriptName or scriptId is mandatory.

Passed parameters

Following parameters are passed to the script and are available as variables in the script:

  • selectedData: Dictionary of arrays containing the selected rows data for each column. The data is available as following keys:
    • Column header labels (the ones that are visible in the table)
    • Column technical names (dimension0, dimension1, ... measure0, measures2, ...).
    • Column indices (0, 1, 2, ...)
  • rowIndices: Array of selected row indices (first row is zero).
  • variables: Dictionary of dashboard variables.
  • action: Dictionary containing settings of the clicked action. (This is the way to access the action parameters.)
  • query: Dictionary containing the query made by the chart.
  • chartSettings: Dictionary containing the chart settings.

Example action settings

    "type": "RunScript",
    "label": "Show details",
    "icon": "smart_toy",
    "scriptName": "Snow row details",
    "parameters": {
      "param1": "val1",
      "param2": 2.3
    "type": "RunScript",
    "label": "Create ticket",
    "icon": "smart_toy",
    "projectName": "My project",
    "scriptName": "Create ticket to external system",
    "completedMessageHeader": "Ticket has been created",
    "errorMessageHeader": "Creating ticket failed",
    "multiselect": true
    "type": "RunScript",
    "label": "Get data",
    "icon": "smart_toy",
    "scriptId": 1

Example scripts

This script reads the first two columns and sums them together. If the columns doesn't contain numeric data, an error is thrown:

let firstNumber = rowData["0"][0];
try {
  firstNumber = ToFloat(firstNumber);
} catch (error) {
  throw "First column doesn't contain number";
let secondNumber = rowData["1"][0];
try {
  secondNumber = ToFloat(secondNumber);
} catch (error) {
  throw "Second column doesn't contain number";
return firstNumber + secondNumber;

This script reads the first column sums them together. If the column doesn't contain numeric data, an error is thrown:

let columnSum;
try {
  columnSum = Sum(rowData["0"].ToFloat(_));
} catch (error) {
  throw "Selected rows column contains non-numeric data.";
return columnSum;

This script returns selected model name.

let modelId = variables.ModelId;
return ModelById(modelId).Name;