Design Diagram

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Revision as of 13:28, 19 December 2023 by TeeHiet (talk | contribs) (TK-48799)
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Design Diagram Overview

The Design Diagram is the core component in data augmented modeling. With the Design Diagram, it's possible to show the operations in the company from different viewpoints at the same time. The Design Diagram works only when the currently selected model is a Snowflake model. A model can have multiple Design Diagrams associated with it.

The Design Diagram has a Canvas for drawing, a Symbol Palette, and a Toolbar.

The basic flow of using the Design Diagram is the following:

  1. Drag objects, e.g. process steps, roles, and applications, from the Symbol palette to the canvas.
  2. For each object on the canvas, choose which event log object in the model you want to link it to. It's also possible to not do this linking and name the object yourself.
  3. Drag flows from the Symbol palette to the canvas and connect the flows to the objects to visualize how the objects are linked and interact with each other in the enterprise.

The Design Diagram also has a fullscreen mode which expands the diagram to the entire screen. The fullscreen is available via the icon on the top right corner of the diagram. The fullscreen can be disabled by clicking the cross icon in the top right corner.

Symbol Palette

The Symbol Palette is located on the left side of the Canvas and it's visible in the dashboard Edit mode. The Symbol Palette shows the Objects and Connectors categories. The Objects category contains an item for each textual event attribute in the currently selected model (except for event attributes that are mapped to case ids). The Connectors category contains only one item, Flow, that can connect objects in the canvas.


The Toolbar is located above the canvas and is visible in the dashboard Edit mode.

The following tools are available on the Toolbar:

  • Select diagram: Goes to the diagram selection screen.
  • Duplicate diagram: Duplicates the open diagram.
  • Delete diagram: Deletes the open diagram.
  • Import diagram from file: Creates a new diagram from a json file.
  • Export diagram: Exports diagram to a file. Following formats are available: JSON, JPG, PNG, SVG.
  • Cut: Cuts selected element(s) (to paste them later).
  • Copy: Copies selected element(s) (to paste them later).
  • Paste: Pastes previously cut or copied element(s).
  • Pan tool: Activates the pan tool with which the diagram can be moved by the mouse.
  • Select tool: Activates the select tool with which the elements can be selected.
  • Delete selected items: Deletes the selected elements on the diagram.
  • Change stacking order: Used to change the selected elements' stacking order: Bring forward, Bring to front, Send backward, and Send to back.
  • Align objects: Used to align the selected elements: Align left, Align center, Align right, Align top, Align middle, and Align bottom. Requires at least two objects to be selected.
  • Distribute objects: Used to distribute the selected elements: Distribute vertically, Distribute horizontally. Requires at least three objects to be selected.
  • Zoom out: Zooms out the diagram by 20%.
  • Fit to window: Sets the diagram zoom and position in a way that the entire diagram fits to the visible screen. Also shows the current zoom percentage of the diagram.
  • Zoom in: Zooms in the diagram by 20%.

Object and Flow Measures

The measures shown on objects and flows on the diagram are calculated automatically. By default, the object measures show in how many cases the object is involved and how many times it has occurred, whereas the flow measures show the flow occurrence duration and how many times the flow has occurred. The Object and Flow measures can be configured in the Object measures and Flow measures tabs of the Design Diagram Settings.

The Object measures are calculated in each individual object's context by using the object type as the event type.

The Flow measures are calculated in each individual flow occurrence and then aggregated into the flow level using the Aggregate setting. Those flow occurrences are selected to the calculation where the starting and ending event attribute name and value matches.

Object measures tab

Zero-to-many object measures can be defined for objects, and all object types show the same measures.

  • Label: Values from measures mapped to Label are shown on the upper side of the object box.
  • 2nd label: Values from measures mapped to 2nd label are shown on the lower side of the object box.

Several measures can have the same mapping, in which case the shown values are separated with the "|" character.

The following common expression settings are available for event measures: Unit, Decimals, Custom label, Unit position, Special values, Conditional formatting, Variable name, and Dynamic filter rules.

Flow measures tab

Zero-to-many flow measures can be defined for the flows, and the measure values are shown in the middle of the flow.

  • Label: Values from measures mapped to Label are shown on the upper row on the flow.
  • 2nd label: Values from measures mapped to 2nd label are shown on the lower row on the flow.

Several flow measures can have the same mapping, in which case the shown values are separated with the "|" character.

The Following common expression settings are available for flow measures: Decimals, Unit, Custom label, Unit position, Special values, Variable name, and Dynamic filter rules.

Design Diagram Settings