Root Causes

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The Influence Analysis for Case Attributes in the Template:AnalysisNameForTheDay window shows the following information:

  • Case Attribute: shows the selected Case Attribute. You can select a particular case attribute or all case attributes from the Attribute drop-down menu in the Influence Analysis Settings. Note that only those attributes are shown in the list that are visible in the current filter. If you select the option <All>, all case attributes visible in the current filter are used in the analysis.
  • Attribute Value: shows the value of the case attribute.
  • Cases #: the total number of cases in the model that have the attribute value shown.
  • Cases Value: the total sum of costs calculated from all cases in the analysis. Shown only when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the Influence Analysis Settings. The cost of one individual case is the actual value of the case attribute "Cost". Event costs are not taken into effect in this analysis.
  • Selected #: the number of selected cases that have the attribute value shown. Not shown when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the analysis settings.
  • Selected Value: the total sum of costs calculated from the Selected cases in the analysis. Shown only when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the Influence Analysis Settings.
  • Compared #: the number or unselected cases that have the attribute value shown, i.e. "Cases #" - "Selected #". Not shown when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the analysis settings.
  • Compared Value: the total sum of costs calculated from the unselected cases in the analysis (i.e. "Cases Cost minus Selected Cost"). Shown only when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the Influence Analysis Settings.
  • Selected %: when "Weighted by Case Value" is not selected in the analysis settings, the percent of selected cases out of the total number of cases. When "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the analysis settings, the percent of selected case costs out of the total sum of case costs.
  • Difference %: the deviation in percents between "Selected %" and the average "Selected %" taken from the Total row.
  • Contribution #: the number of cases which contribute to the "Difference %", i.e. the deviation from the average percentage. Not shown when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the analysis settings.
  • Contribution Value: the total cost of cases which contribute to the "Difference %". Shown only when "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the Influence Analysis Settings.
  • Contribution %: when "Weighted by Case Value" is not selected in the analysis settings, the percent of the selected cases with the attribute value that contributes to the "Difference %". When "Weighted by Case Value" is selected in the analysis settings, the percent of the cost of cases which contribute to the "Difference %"


  • Show: the number of top and bottom rows shown in the analysis.
All: all rows (max. 2000) are shown in the table.
Limit To: the value here is the limit to the number of shown top and bottom rows.
  • Attribute: the Case Attribute to be shown on the analysis.
  • Weighted by Case Value: see the descriptions of the columns above for the effect of this setting. For this setting to work, the data needs to contain a case attribute named "Cost".

See Also