Difference between revisions of "HTML Presentation Object: Gantt chart"

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Line 14: Line 14:
Set the '''Horizontal scrollbar''' and '''Vertical scrollbar'''  to '''Hidden'''. Use the following HTML code:
Set the '''Horizontal scrollbar''' and '''Vertical scrollbar'''  to '''Hidden'''.
Use the HTML code below. Column names can be changed using the javascript variable in the beginning of the code. In the example the current date is fixed to '''Date.UTC(2017, 7,15)''' - change it to '''Date.now()'''.
<div id="container<#uniqueId>"></div>
<div id="container<#uniqueId>"></div>
Line 73: Line 76:
     title: {
     title: {
     text: 'Gantt chart' },
     text: 'Gantt charts' },
     xAxis: {
     xAxis: {
       type: "category",  
       type: "category",  
Line 91: Line 94:
       title: "",
       title: "",
      plotLines: [{
        color: '#D00D20',
        width: 2,
        value: Date.UTC(2017, 7,15) // Real current date: Date.now()
       labels: {
       labels: {
         style: {
         style: {
Line 207: Line 215:
[[Category: QPR UI]]
[[Category: QPR UI]]

Revision as of 19:26, 16 December 2017

The following query contains example data for the gantt chart. Add it to a HTML presentation object's dataset with name "exampleData". Note that this example needs QPR Reporting Expression datasource installed. To use the gantt charts for a real purpose, replace the example query with a query that access the data.

data0=CreateDataset(Array('TaskName', 'StartDate', 'EndDate', 'PlannedStartDate', 'PlannedEndDate', 'Progress'))
data1=AddDatasetRow([data0], 'Project Task 1', NewDatetime(2017,1,1), NewDatetime(2017,2,15), NewDatetime(2017,1,10), NewDatetime(2017,2,20), 35)
data2=AddDatasetRow([data1], 'Project Task 2', NewDatetime(2017,2,1), NewDatetime(2017,4,1), NewDatetime(2017,2,1), NewDatetime(2017,3,15), 90)
data3=AddDatasetRow([data2], 'Project Task 3', NewDatetime(2017,4,1), NewDatetime(2017,6,1), NewDatetime(2017,4,5), NewDatetime(2017,6,15), 15)
data4=AddDatasetRow([data3], 'Project Task 4', NewDatetime(2017,4,10), NewDatetime(2017,7,31), NewDatetime(2017,4,10), NewDatetime(2017,7,31), 10)
data5=AddDatasetRow([data4], 'Project Task 5', NewDatetime(2017,5,1), NewDatetime(2017,8,1), NewDatetime(2017,5,10), NewDatetime(2017,7,16), 100)
data6=AddDatasetRow([data5], 'Project Task 6', NewDatetime(2017,7,1), NewDatetime(2017,7,31), NewDatetime(2017,6,20), NewDatetime(2017,7,20), 0)
data7=AddDatasetRow([data6], 'Project Task 7', NewDatetime(2017,8,1), NewDatetime(2017,10,15), NewDatetime(2017,7,15), NewDatetime(2017,9,30), 50)
data8=AddDatasetRow([data7], 'Project Task 8', NewDatetime(2017,8,1), NewDatetime(2017,10,1), NewDatetime(2017,8,10), NewDatetime(2017,10,1), 30)
data9=AddDatasetRow([data8], 'Project Task 9', NewDatetime(2017,9,1), NewDatetime(2017,11,1), NewDatetime(2017,8,20), NewDatetime(2017,10,20), 5)

Set the Horizontal scrollbar and Vertical scrollbar to Hidden.

Use the HTML code below. Column names can be changed using the javascript variable in the beginning of the code. In the example the current date is fixed to Date.UTC(2017, 7,15) - change it to Date.now().

<div id="container<#uniqueId>"></div>

var taskNameColumn = "TaskName";
var startDateColumn = "StartDate";
var endDateColumn = "EndDate";
var plannedStartDateColumn = "PlannedStartDate";
var plannedEndDateColumn = "PlannedEndDate";
var progressColumn = "Progress";
var poData<#uniqueId>;
var width<#uniqueId>;
var height<#uniqueId>;

function <#datasetChangeFunction>(datasetIdentifier, datasetChangeCallbackFunction) {
  if (datasetIdentifier == "exampleData") {

function myDatasetAvailable<#uniqueId>(datasetData) {
  if (datasetData == null || datasetData.sheets == null || datasetData.sheets.length == 0 || datasetData.sheets[0] == null || datasetData.sheets[0].values == null || datasetData.sheets[0].values.length == 0) return;
  poData<#uniqueId> = [];
  for (var row = 1; row < datasetData.sheets[0].values[0].length; row++) {
    var rowObject = {};
    for (var column = 0; column < datasetData.sheets[0].values.length; column++) {
      rowObject[datasetData.sheets[0].values[column][0].attribute] = datasetData.sheets[0].values[column][row].value;
  for (var i = 0; i < poData<#uniqueId>.length; i++) { 
    poData<#uniqueId>[i][startDateColumn] = parseInt(poData<#uniqueId>[i][startDateColumn].replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
    poData<#uniqueId>[i][endDateColumn] = parseInt(poData<#uniqueId>[i][endDateColumn].replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
    poData<#uniqueId>[i][plannedStartDateColumn] = parseInt(poData<#uniqueId>[i][plannedStartDateColumn].replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
    poData<#uniqueId>[i][plannedEndDateColumn] = parseInt(poData<#uniqueId>[i][plannedEndDateColumn].replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
    poData<#uniqueId>[i]["ProgressPoint"] = (new Date(poData<#uniqueId>[i][startDateColumn] + (poData<#uniqueId>[i][endDateColumn] - poData<#uniqueId>[i][startDateColumn]) * poData<#uniqueId>[i][progressColumn] / 100)).getTime();
function <#resizeFunction>(newWidth, newHeight) {
  width<#uniqueId> = newWidth;
  height<#uniqueId> = newHeight;

function drawPO<#uniqueId>() {
  if (poData<#uniqueId> == null || width<#uniqueId> == null) return;
  Highcharts.chart("container<#uniqueId>", {
    chart: {
      type: 'columnrange',
      inverted: true,
      zoomType: 'y'
    title: {
    text: 'Gantt charts' },
    xAxis: {
      type: "category", 
      labels: {
        style: {
          fontSize: '13px'
    credits: { enabled: false },
    yAxis: {
      type: 'datetime',
      opposite: true,
      tickPixelInterval: 90,
      dateTimeLabelFormats: {
        day: '%d/%m', week: '%d/%m', month: '%m/%Y', year: '%Y'
      title: "",
      plotLines: [{
        color: '#D00D20',
        width: 2,
        value: Date.UTC(2017, 7,15) // Real current date: Date.now()
      labels: {
        style: {
          fontSize: '13px'
    tooltip: {
      useHTML: true,
      formatter: function () {
        return  "<span style='font-weight: bold;font-size:125%;'>" + this.point.name + "</span></br>Actual: <b>" +
          (new Date(this.point[startDateColumn])).toLocaleDateString() + "</b> - <b>" + (new Date(this.point.EndDate)).toLocaleDateString() + "</b></br>" +
          "Planned: <b>" + (new Date(this.point.PlannedStartDate)).toLocaleDateString() + "</b> - <b>" +
          (new Date(this.point.PlannedEndDate)).toLocaleDateString() + "</b></br>" + 
          "Progress: <b>" + this.point.progress + " %</b>";
    legend: { enabled: false },
    series: [{
      color: "#195283",
      stacking: "normal",
      pointPadding: 0,
      groupPadding: 0,
      borderRadius: 0,
      borderWidth: 0,
      data: formatDataset(poData<#uniqueId>, {"low": startDateColumn, "StartDate": startDateColumn, "high": "ProgressPoint", "progress": progressColumn, "name": taskNameColumn}),
       dataLabels: {
         enabled: true,
         align: 'center',
         inside: true,
         format: '{point.progress} %',
         style: {
           fontSize: '13px'
      color: "#3277b2",
      pointPadding: 0,
      groupPadding: 0,
      borderRadius: 0,
      borderWidth: 0,
      data: formatDataset(poData<#uniqueId>, {"low": "ProgressPoint", "high": endDateColumn, "EndDate": endDateColumn, "progress": progressColumn, "name": taskNameColumn}),
      dataLabels: {
        enabled: true,
        align: 'center',
        inside: true,
        format: '',
        style: {
          fontSize: '13px'
      color: "#fba41c",
      pointPadding: 0,
      groupPadding: 0.4,
      borderRadius: 0,
      borderWidth: 0,
      data: formatDataset(poData<#uniqueId>, {"low": plannedStartDateColumn, "PlannedStartDate": plannedStartDateColumn, "high": plannedEndDateColumn, "PlannedEndDate": plannedEndDateColumn, "progress": progressColumn, "name": taskNameColumn}),
     dataLabels: {
       enabled: true,
       align: 'center',
       inside: true,
       format: '',
       style: {
         fontSize: '13px'

function formatDataset(inputData, mappings, groupColumn, groupAttribute, innerArrayAttribute) {
  var mappedData = [];
  var namesToMap = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(mappings);
  for (var i = 0; i < inputData.length; i++) {
    var row = {};
    var mappedColumns = [];
    for (var j = 0; j < namesToMap.length; j++) {
      row[namesToMap[j]] = inputData[i][mappings[namesToMap[j]]];
    var dataColumns = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(inputData[i]);
    for (j = 0; j < dataColumns.length; j++) {
      if (mappedColumns.indexOf(dataColumns[j]) == -1) {
        row[dataColumns[j]] = inputData[i][dataColumns[j]];

  if (groupColumn == null) {
    return mappedData;
  } else {
    var groups = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < mappedData.length; i++) {
      var groupName = mappedData[i][groupColumn];
      if (groups[groupName] == null) groups[groupName] = [];
      delete mappedData[i][groupColumn];
    var groupedData = [];
    var groupNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(groups);
    for (var i = 0; i < groupNames.length; i++) {
      var group = {};
      group[groupAttribute] = groupNames[i];
      group[innerArrayAttribute] = groups[groupNames[i]];
    return groupedData;