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Line 25: Line 25:
* 218118: Database conversion from previous version was broken.
* 218118: Database conversion from previous version was broken.
* 218119: Some presentation objects disappeared from the view when mobile device was rotated.
* 218119: Some presentation objects disappeared from the view when mobile device was rotated.
* 218026: Opening MobileDashboard view with several data grids with Metrics data was very slow.
* 217971: Page title displayed a history entry of a deleted view after going back in history.
* 217874: Presentation object container size should be set before drawing presentation object.
* 217936: Presentation objects shouldn't have white background in panel designer.

Revision as of 08:03, 28 September 2017

This page lists all features and fixed bugs for each QPR MobileDashboard release.

Latest Release: QPR MobileDashboard 2017.7 (release date 2017-09-27)


  • 307130: New HTML presentation object for designing custom presentation object with HTML and JavaScript.
  • 307159: New dynamic tag for calculating expressions.
  • 306902: QPR Common authentication is improved to automatically authenticate to all products.
  • 307178: Arabic translations were updated.

Fixed bugs:

  • 217986: PAPO: The pie (in profiling analysis) is rendered initially too small.
  • 217721: PAPO: One extra scroll position / zoom -history entry created when PAPO is initialized.
  • 218052: PAPO: flowchart shows incorrect duration.
  • 217978: PAPO: Profiling analysis is empty in Analysis window when opening splitter again.
  • 217926: PAPO: Duration Analysis in control window doesn't select all "other" cases.
  • 217708: PAPO not possible to make multiselection using radial graph.
  • 218065: Variable tag xml escaping is wrong.
  • 218077: The Repeater presentation object was missing some translations.
  • 218043: PAPO: Issue with AnalysisWindowSize context variable.
  • 218058: PAPO: Profiling Analysis for Case Attributes doesn't work when using numerical case attribute.
  • 218063: Unnecessary vertical scrollbar in right side of the view in Internet Explorer
  • 218072: File menu hides behind Panel frame when panel is maximized
  • 218035: PAPO: Switch model from filter: Error processing PA request. Invalid column name 'CA_VALUE_1290462'
  • 218118: Database conversion from previous version was broken.
  • 218119: Some presentation objects disappeared from the view when mobile device was rotated.
  • 218026: Opening MobileDashboard view with several data grids with Metrics data was very slow.
  • 217971: Page title displayed a history entry of a deleted view after going back in history.
  • 217874: Presentation object container size should be set before drawing presentation object.
  • 217936: Presentation objects shouldn't have white background in panel designer.

Next Release: QPR MobileDashboard 2017.8 (planned release date 2017-11-07)


Fixed bugs:

  • 218091: The Data grid presentation object grouping wasn't working.

Past releases

QPR MobileDashboard 2017.6.1 (maintenance release) (release date 2017-08-23)

Fixed bugs:

  • 218044: The sys:sessionId context variable wasn't working.
  • 218045: The eapd:Model and other system context variables referred to their prettyvalues instead of their actual values in MEA and PA queries.

QPR MobileDashboard 2017.6 (release date 2017-08-17)


  • 306959: Views and panels can now have a unique identifier. With views, the identifier can be used to link to the view via setting the identifier as the value for the new sys:dashboardIdentifier context variable. With panels, the identifier is shown when adding an existing panel to a view.
  • 307063: PAPO: The Profiling Analysis can now be shown as a table.
  • 307012: The PAPO zoom button look was changed.
  • 307064: The PAPO Duration Analysis can now be shown as a table.
  • 307111: Views and panels can now have an SVG image as their background.

Fixed bugs:

  • 217959: Fixed an issue where two confirmation dialogs were opened when changing from a modified view to another by using browser history.
  • 218011: PAPO: Value of MaximumDuration of duration analysis in filter name is incorrect and always equals 100.
  • 217993: Fixed an issue where javascript inside SVG was escaped and not functioning.
  • 217934: PAPO: Fixed an issue where the "Limit to" field in the analysis settings could be used to enter unacceptable values and could display negative values.
  • 218028: PAPO: The Model and Analysis buttons were shown in the Template:DriverNameForTheDay and Template:AnalysisNameForTheDay windows even when the windows were hidden by using the splitter.

QPR MobileDashboard 2017.5 (2017-07-06)


  • 307067: The Variation Analysis in QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object can now be run in the Template:DriverNameForTheDay window.
  • 307021: The QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object now has Case Analysis.
  • 307095: Users in QPR MobileDashboard can now be separated into two types of groups: those who can create and edit views, and those who can only view the views.
  • 307020: The QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object now has Event Analysis.
  • 307058: The QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object now has Event Type Analysis.
  • 306925, 307028, 307104: There now is a new Repeater presentation object that loops through its data source and creates a presentation object for each row in the data source.
  • 307105: PAPO: In the Flowchart analysis, some terms, default values, and button visibility were changed.

Fixed bugs:

  • 217899: Fixed an issue where an error occurred when the sys:referenceDate context variable didn't have a value.
  • 217884: Data grid unnecessary margins were removed.
  • 217873: The header area used for moving panels was removed for locked panels.
  • 217916: Fixed an issue that caused panels to have too small height.
  • 217918: PAPO: scrolling in long list of influence analysis open the popup menu.
  • 217913: PAPO Influence Analysis for Case Attribute table has refresh problem.
  • 217824: Fixed an issue where the data grid returned to the first page when the vertical scrollbar up/down arrow was clicked.
  • 217855: Fixed an issue where the page title in browser history lost the history information when view Properties were accessed.
  • 217973: PAPO now uses the web browser's date and number formatting when showing date and numbers in data grids/tables.
  • 217942: Fixed an issue where a changed view name was reverted back to the original view name.
  • 217988: Fixed an issue where a presentation object having own context variables was not updated when its data source object was changed.
  • 217937: Fixed an issue where panel shrunk when the view was resized.
  • 217946: Fixed an issue in PAPO, where the table grid didn't fit the window after switching from Offline Mode to normal mode on Case analysis.
  • 218000: Some user interface texts were not translated.

QPR MobileDashboard 2017.4 (2017-05-23)


  • 307015: The QPR MobileDashboard version number was moved from the login screen to the User Profile menu located in the Workspace.
  • 307022: The Profiling Analysis can now be used in the Control window in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object to select cases for the analysis in the Analysis window.
  • 307003: The buttons in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object (PAPO) were rearranged.
  • 307008: A number of presentation properties, such as background color for views and panels, were added.
  • 307027: The View Properties now has a property for defining how much the aspect ratio of the view is allowed to change from the initial aspect ratio in different sized screens.
  • 306951: The QPR MobileDashboard session will now expire if a server request hasn't been sent to the QPR MobileDashboard server for the defined time.
  • 307013: The Data Grid now supports selecting multiple rows or cells for the popup menu actions.
  • 307057: The Duration, Profiling, Influence, and Variation Analyses in QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object now have generic and some analysis specific settings supported.
  • 306969: The QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object now supports the Influence Analysis for Case Attributes in the grid format.
  • 307030: Duration Analysis can now be used in the Template:DriverNameForTheDay window of the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object.

Fixed bugs:

  • 217816: Hiding dashboard view using ng-hide causes problems in reading element width and height.
  • 217875: PAPO: flows disappear from the flowchart.
  • 217838: PAPO: Panel resize handle is on top of panel scroll bar if panel contains PAPO.
  • 217891: PAPO: PA interface parameter names should be defined as constants.
  • 217808: Fixed an issue where a panel with a long name caused the panel header to obscure the presentation object contents in the panel.
  • 217879: Fixed an issue where the view contents were empty after a maximized panel was deleted.

QPR MobileDashboard 2017.3 (2017-04-12)


  • 306967: It's now possible to customize the data grid styling via CSS settings that are defined in the data grid properties.
  • 306980: It's now possible to hide the panel full screen toggle icon.
  • 306933: Session context changes now go into the browser history, which makes it possible to restore previous session context states.
  • 306919 & 306989: There's now the possibility to add SVG images to the QPR MobileDashboard views.
  • 306986 & 307017: The QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object (PAPO) now has a new window system.
  • 306953: The Panel Properties now has a property for defining how much the aspect ratio of the panel is allowed to change from the initial aspect ratio in different sized screens.
  • 306991: It's now possible to access session context variable values in the External Content presentation objects. In addition, it's possible to use relative paths as the External Content URL.
  • 306992: When the URL of an External Content presentation object is updated, the whole presentation object is no longer recreated, it just updates the content to show the page the URL points to.
  • 307000: The model shown in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object (PAPO) can now be changed via a menu.
  • 306999: The Start and End symbols in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Presentation Object (PAPO) flowchart were updated.

Fixed bugs:

  • 217619: The QPR MobileDashboard installer now checks for whitespaces in the service URLs.
  • 216876: Fixed an issue where, when the panel is about the same height as the browser window, the panel scroll bar keeps reappearing/disappearing in the view.
  • 217646: Fixed an issue where scrollbars were needlessly shown when display settings had bigger text size in use.
  • 217687: Data grids were sometimes drawn in incorrect sizes.
  • 217693: Fixed an issue where search in data grid wasn't working when the Enter key was pressed.
  • 217661: Improved the performance of the Mapping tab of data grid when the Maximum Size of the mapping is big.
  • 217735: Fixed an issue where removing a gauge from a view and then after some locking and unlocking operations, the couldn't be saved anymore.
  • 217767: PAPO: VariationAnalysis extremely slow on big models / when there are lots of variations.
  • 217719: PAPO: flowchart and flowchart influence show incorrect event type and flow costs in in-memory mode.
  • 217732: Fixed an issue where the panel name wasn't updated when it used a context variable the value of which was changed by a data grid popup menu.
  • 217738: Fixed an issue where the panel fullscreen mode didn't position properly when the view header was hidden.
  • 217709: PAPO: START or END box can be selected.
  • 217796: PAPO: Layout issue when there is only one flow connected to end icon.
  • 217799: PAPO: radial layer missing in influence flowchart analysis.
  • 217737: The unnecessary scrollbar shown in data grid when filtering was removed.
  • 217771: Fixed an issue where some errors were appearing in browser console after an external content presentation object was added to a panel.
  • 217770: Fixed an issue where rendering a panel with a long name that had either table or data grid presentation object in it caused the lower part of table / data grid content to be obscured.

QPR MobileDashboard 2017.2 (2017-02-28)


  • 306911: Chart JSON settings
  • 306936: Data grid JSON settings
  • 306879: Data Grid popup menu and actions
  • 306916: Select all rows in chart mapping table
  • 306929: Datasource for generic MEA WS query
  • 306947: Tutorial removal and help links to QPR MobileDashboard wiki
  • 306972: Add QPR MobileDasboard favicon
  • 306970: PAPO: in-memory mode
  • 306958: PAPO: Influence Analysis - Flowchart
  • 306976: PAPO - Variation Analysis
  • 306971: PAPO - pop-up menu only with right click or long press
  • 306957: PAPO scrolling positions

Fixed bugs:

  • 216953: "Container element not found" error message, when reusing existing panel 
  • 217534: "Dashboard with given id was not found from the database" error when trying to save view with copy of an existing panel
  • 217004: "From entity of a model rule not found" error, when trying to use deleted data source
  • 217253: Apple app: The Context instance selection frame is not visible
  • 217610: Arabic text changes to "???" when exporting/Importing a view with Arabic text
  • 217629: Arabic text is a bit too small to read in the main toolbar
  • 217649: Copyright year is not correct in installer
  • 217480: Data grid renders too small in panel designer
  • 217631: Drop-down lists do not work correctly with RTL
  • 217231: Error and strange tutorial display when user trying to open the view designer using an invalid view id
  • 217527: External content presentation object doesn't say why it's blank when content is blocked
  • 217236: Firefox and Chrome: Chart presentation tab has strange layout
  • 217579: Internal server error when trying to input large amount of rows to the table in QPR MobileDashboard
  • 217606: MobileDashboard: Unable to edit panel with PaPo after hiding panel header
  • 217451: Narrow white line in all Properties dialogs with IE11
  • 217512: Opening panel properties displays the last active tab
  • 217670: PAPO: Average duration show 0s for flowchart
  • 217613: PAPO: Context menu doesnt close
  • 217672: PAPO: creating filter with group by event counts opens variation analysis group by variations
  • 217666: PAPO: diagram is different with using in-memory mode and connected mode
  • 217669: PAPO: diagram not updated when filter rules are deleted
  • 217616: PAPO: Empty value for FilterId context variable causes an error
  • 217676: PAPO: flowchart influence analysis difference when in-memory mode is enabled or disabled
  • 217683: PAPO: Pop-up menu disappears when some child control of PAPO is focused
  • 217654: Pivot grid name is not always changed when pivot grid properties dialog is closed
  • 217350: Presentation object size starts oscillating when close to the panel height
  • 216757: Presentation objects get squeezed on tablets after rotating the screen twice
  • 216569: Query editor selection list layout breaks when the available width is relatively small
  • 217637: Range limit column name not removed from value settings when graph column mapping is cleared
  • 216837: Range limit name is not visible in small browser windows
  • 217658: sys:sessionId does not work in queries
  • 217626: Unable to drag and drop panels if the panel headers are hidden
  • 217018: When selecting a read-only value setting, pen icon is hidden for all value settings