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Line 138: Line 138:
||The default value is used when a parameter value is not passed to the report. If no default value is defined and no parameter value is passed, an error occurs. (optional)
||The default value is used when a parameter value is not passed to the report. If no default value is defined and no parameter value is passed, an error occurs. (optional)
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| validation (exp. string)
| validation (expression string)
||Validation expression for the parameter. There is an argument '''value''' available for the expression containing the parameter value. If the expression returns false, a validation error is thrown by the report.
||Validation expression for the parameter. There is an argument '''value''' available for the expression containing the parameter value. If the expression returns false, a validation error is thrown by the report.
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|- style="vertical-align:top;"

Revision as of 13:00, 22 March 2018

Note: This page contains documentation of functionality that hasn't been released yet.

Report processing sequence


Following table contains QPR PowerPoint Reports’ parameters, which are configured in the web.config file of QPR Web Services Extensions.

Parameter name Description
reporttemplateparameter (optional) Defines the name of the parameter which passes the report template path. See chapter Working with Report Templates for configuring the report template path.
qprtemplateidparameter (optional) Parameter name which passes QPR’s Word report template object id.

This can be used when the report templates are stored in QPR Portal (i.e. QPR system objects) (see chapter Working with Report Templates). Instead of report template path, the Word report template object id can be passed as a parameter. The Word report template object id gets a priority over report template path.

defaultimageformat (optional) Default image format for QPR Web Service’s GetGraph operation. This setting is used if image format is not explicitly defined.

Attribute Tag (att)

Attribute tag is used to show a property of an object. The attribute value is fetched by using QPR Web Service’s GetAttributeAsString method (more information: http://kb.qpr.com/qpr2017-1/index.html?getattributeasstring.htm). This tag uses QueryObjects instead, if there are multiple id's in the object attribute or if attribute followrelations used (more information below). If QueryObjects is used, separator and sortby attributes are applied.

Parameter Description
object (string) A single object id or a comma separated list of object id's. If there is only one object, it is passed as a parameter objectId of GetAttributeAsString method. If there are no object id's at all, the tag result will be empty. (optional)
attribute (string) Attribute name to be shown. This is passed as a parameter attribute of GetAttributeAsString or QueryObjects method.
options (string) This is passed as a parameter options of GetAttributeAsString or QueryObjects operation. (optional)
expression (expression string) An expression used to modify the returned attribute values, e.g. to make conversions etc. The attribute value is placed as an argument "value" to this expression (see the examples). (optional)
followrelations (string) Name of the relations to follow to get another object or a set of other objects. If there are multiple subsequent relations to follow, the relations are separated by comma (,) (see the examples). (optional)
separator (string) If multiple objects are defined, this property defined the character(s) separating the shown attributes of multiple objects. Empty values are not shown (i.e. no empties between separators). Default is a new line character. (optional)
sortby (string) Applied sorting if there are multiple objects returned. Default sorting is by attribute "name". (optional)
visible (boolean) Determines content visibility shown by the tag. (optional)


<#attribute object=="[objectId]" attribute="name">
<#attribute object=="[measureId]" attribute="measure.value(series=\"ACT\",period=\"1 / 2018\")" expression="[value] * 2.54">
<#attribute object=="[measureId]" followrelations="childobjects,childobjects"attribute="measure.value(series=\"ACT\",period=\"1 / 2017\")" separator=", " sortby="name">

Expression Tag (exp)

Expression tag is for adding a result of an expression (formula) in a slide. The defined expression is evaluated and the result is set in place of this tag. Note that the tag may contain any parameters which are provided as arguments to the expression (see examples).

Parameter Description
value (object) Value shown by the tag. Expression behavior is achieved when this parameter is defined as an expression. Note that the values shown in the report are always strings (sequence of characters), so the value must be of a type that can be converted into a string, such as string, integer, double, datetime, boolean, or an array of any of the previous types. If the value is not a string, an implicit conversion to string is made. In case of date type, dateformat defined in the Reportsettings tag is used.
visible (boolean) Determines content visibility shown by the tag. (optional)


<#expression value=="[variable1]">
<#expression value1=="5" formula=="2 * [value1] + 3"> (result is 13).

Link Tag

Link tag is used to add a hyperlink to a slide. If the link address is empty or someways invalid, no link is displayed. Note that the tag generates the hyperlink, so the report template should not contain a the desired hyperlink (only the tag in a textual form).

Parameter Description
address (string) Url address (location) which hyperlink to pointing to.
text (string) Link’s displayed text.
screentip (string) Link’s screen tip. (optional)
target (string) Link’s target. (optional)
visible (boolean) Determines content visibility shown by the tag. (optional)


<#link address=="getPortalUrl([diagramid], '', '')" text="Link to QPR Portal" target="_BLANK" screentip="Click here is go to QPR Portal">

Loop tag

Loop tag is used to repeat slides. This tag must be defined in the notes section of a slide.

Attribute Description
data (dataset) Dataset shown by the tag.
slidecount Number of slides that are repeated. By default only the slide where the Loop tag is defined is repeated. (optional)
visible (boolean) Determines content visibility shown by the tag. See Setting Content Visibility. (optional)
(all other attributes) All other attributes are passed to the looped subreports as parameters. Note that all the above mentioned attributes are not passed as parameters, because they have a special meaning in the Dataset tag. (optional)

Parameter Tag (par)

Parameter tag defines parameters for the slide. Only parameters that are defined using these tags are available in the report. The report request url may contain other parameters which are omitted.

Parameter Description
inputname (string) Name of the parameter (url parameter name).
outputname (string) Parameter name used in the report. If this is not defined, the used name is same as input name. (optional)
defaultvalue (object) The default value is used when a parameter value is not passed to the report. If no default value is defined and no parameter value is passed, an error occurs. (optional)
validation (expression string) Validation expression for the parameter. There is an argument value available for the expression containing the parameter value. If the expression returns false, a validation error is thrown by the report.
validationmessage (string) Error message to show, if the validation fails (see validation parameter).


<parameter inputname="nameOfUrlParameter" outputvalue="nameInTheReport" defaultvalue="value1">

Variable Tag (var)

This tag is used to define a variable in the slide. Variables can be used in other tags as expression arguments. Variable values cannot be changed during the report run – their value is calculated when the report run begins.

Variables are useful, when there is an expression which value is used several places in the report. Variables may also be used to simplify formulas, when part of a formula is defined as a variable. There cannot be a variable having a same name as a parameter in the same report.

Attribute Description
name (string) Variable name.
value (object) Variable value.

Example: Report has tag <#variable name="variable1" value="2">. This variable can be used in other expressions, e.g. <#expression value="3 + [variable1]"> (result is 5).

Direct Tags

It’s possible to reference to slide parameters and variables using tags which name equal parameter or variable name. These are called direct tags. For example if a report has a variable var1, a tag <#var1> can be used. Note that, the same result can be achieved using variable tag: <#variable value=="[var1]">.

Note the following when using direct tags:

  • Direct tags cannot contain any attributes, unlike all other tags always contain at least one attribute.
  • In the direct tags, variable value is implicitly converted into string. E.g. date variables are converted using date format defined in the Reportsettings tag.
  • In direct tags it’s not possible to define styles using styles attribute.
  • It’s not possible to use "visible" attribute.
  • When writing direct tags, note the letter case in parameter and variable names.