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== Troubleshooting ==
== Troubleshooting ==
'''Q''': My installation stops after Glassfish configuration, how could I get the installation to finish?<br>
See [[QPR MobileDashboard Installation Troubleshooting]]
'''A''': The installation aborts if the Glassfish connection pool cannot be pinged after creating it. If the connection pool cannot be used, deploying the QPR MobileDashboard application there fails. Before attempting the installation again, please check the following things regarding SQL Server configuration:
* If named instances are used, a TCP port is assigned to the instance and the SQL Server Browser Service is running
* The user has sufficient rights to create tables to the target database.
In addition, if you have a separate Glassfish installation, shut it down for the duration of the QPR MobileDashboard installation so that the administration port 4848 is not reserved.
'''Q''': The Validate button in the Database Server page does not validate my database credentials even though they are correct.<br>
'''A''': Even though the validation should work in the majority of scenarios, you can supply a SKIPDBVALIDATION=1 parameter to the installation from the command line (QPRMobileDashboard.exe /v"SKIPDBVALIDATION=1"). However, when skipping the validation you need to pay some extra attention to the correctness of the credentials as all parts of the software cannot be deployed to Glassfish if the database credentials are incorrect.<br>
'''Q''': I have QPR Suite and/or QPR ProcessAnalyzer running with SSL enabled and my QPR MobileDashboard installation is SSL-enabled too. Now QPR Suite and/or QPR ProcessAnalyzer is not available as a data source.<br>
'''A''': In the QPR Suite/QPR ProcessAnalyzer, check in the Microsoft IIS web server that the application (e.g. QPR2016-1 or QPRPA) is set to ignore client certificates in its SSL settings. In addition, if your QPR ProcessAnalyzer installation is older than QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2016.3, change the secureWebHttpBindingConfiguration binding in bindings_https.config to contain
<security mode="Transport">
    <transport clientCredentialType="None"/>
instead of
<security mode="None" />
[[Category: QPR MobileDashboard]]
[[Category: QPR MobileDashboard]]

Revision as of 06:20, 28 March 2017

System Requirements

See QPR MobileDashboard System Requirements.


Follow the instructions below to install QPR MobileDashboard:

1. Welcome Page
This is the starting point of the QPR MobileDashboard installation wizard.

Click Next to continue.
Pic installation welcome.png
2. License Agreement
Here you can see the End User Software License terms for the software that is about to be installed. You will need to accept these terms before continuing the installation. Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement" and click Next to continue in the case you accept the license terms. Otherwise you'll need to cancel the installation Pic installation licenseagreement.png
3. Destination Folder
In this page you can see the folder where QPR MobileDashboard is going to be installed. If you want to install to a different folder, click on the Change button and define a new target folder there. Click Next to continue when the destination folder is correct. Pic installation destinationfolder.png
4. Database Configuration
Here you select whether to create a new database for QPR MobileDashboard or to use an existing database. In most scenarios the "Set up a new database" option should be used. Using an existing database is useful mainly in server migration scenarios. Click Next to continue after selecting the desired option. The installation proceeds similarly with both options, but with an existing database the database initialization script is not run at a later stage during the installation. 400px
5. Database Server
In this page you need to supply the information necessary to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server where you're going to install QPR MobileDashboard. The Database server drop-down contains compatible servers that were discovered locally, but if you are using a remote database server, you can input the host name and the possible instance name here.

You can use either Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication for connecting to the target SQL Server. Select the authentication mode, input the corresponding login ID and password to their respective fields, and click on Validate to verify that the account can be used for connecting to the defined database server and database. The Next button gets enabled only after a successful validation of credentials. Note that domain accounts should be supplied without and domain-specific prefix or suffix, i.e. the username alone. Also note that when using Windows Authentication, the account supplied here will be used for communication between Glassfish and QPR MobileDashboard, but also the user account running the installation needs to have proper access to the database to create the necessary tables there during the installation.

In the Name of database field you can define what the database for QPR MobileDashboard will be called in the target server. This should be the database to which the user has rights to. However, with extensive rights a database with the defined name will be created on the server if it doesn't exist.

Click Next to continue.
Pic installation dbconfig.png
6. Server Locations
Here you can define where the QPR Suite and QPR ProcessAnalyzer Web Services can be accessed. If QPR Suite installations are found on the target computer, the web service endpoint of the newest version is suggested by default, but you should verify that this value points at the installation where your QPR MobileDashboard data should come from.

If you have QPR ProcessAnalyzer available, define its endpoint URL to the corresponding field. NOTE: If your QPR MobileDashboard installation is running in a clustered environment, set UseXForwardedForAsClientIp to true in the web.config of the QPR ProcessAnalyzer instance that is used.

Also note that when using SSL, both QPR Suite and QPR ProcessAnalyzer should be set to ignore client certificates in their IIS configuration.

Click Next to continue.
Pic installation serverlocations.png
7. QPR Suite System User
Here you need to define the user credentials of a QPR Suite Administrator user.

Click Next to continue
Pic installation suite credentials.png
8. Single Sign-on Setup
If you want to use links from other QPR Suite web clients (i.e. QPR ProcessAnalyzer Web Client, QPR Portal) to access QPR MobileDashboard, define the URLs used for QPR Suite Single Sign-on Authentication, the single sign-on system between different QPR Suite product web clients (i.e. QPR ProcessAnalyzer Web Client, QPR Portal, and QPR MobileDashboard). When the QPR Suite Single Sign-on Authentication is in use linking from the other QPR web clients to QPR MobileDashboard can be done without the need of a separate login for the product that is the link target.

To add an URL, select the Service type (e.g. "QPR Portal") , define the Service URL (e.g. "http://<service_hostname>/QPR2016-1/Portal/QPR.Isapi.dll/"), and click Add.

If you need to change an existing definition, you can either remove the latest definition by clicking Remove last or remove all the definitions by clicking Clear, and then define the definition(s) again.

Click Next to continue.
Pic installation sso.png
9. Federated Authentication Configuration
This page allows configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) login that enables logging in to QPR MobileDashboard using the existing credentials provided by your organization's federated identity provider. If there’s no applicable federated identity provider in your organization or you wish to configure it later, this page can be left blank. See the Configuring Federated Authentication (SSO) section for more information and instructions on how the login scheme can be switched later.

  • For all SSO configuration scenarios, the SAML consumer URL should be defined, e.g. "http(s)://<your_QPR_MobileDashboard_servername>:8080/EnticeServices/rest/authenticate/saml"

There are two Federated Authentication Configuration scenarios available. Select an option that’s available in your organization:

  1. Using metadata:
    • Enter the metadata URL to the Federation metadata URL field, e.g. "https://<your_federated_identity_provider_servername>/<path>/<metadata_file_name>.xml"
    • If it’s known that the metadata contains multiple server entries, the Server entity identifier field must also be filled. The input is a server entity identifier URL, e.g. "http://<your_federated_identity_provider_servername>/services/trust"
  2. Using a public key:
    • Enter the redirect URL to the Federated authentication provider's redirect URL field, e.g. "https://<your_federated_identity_provider_servername>/saml/http-post/sso"
    • Fill in the Federated authentication provider's signing certificate field with <X.509 Certificate> contents. The input item is the actual encoded public key contents.

  • User id attribute field can be left blank in most scenarios where the login names used in the organization are your local domain email addresses. In these scenarios, the NameID of the SAML subject is used as User ID. In other scenarios, please enter the name of the SAML attribute in the assertion. The related values will be used as user's login names.
  • Select Automatic federated authentication check box if users must be automatically redirected to the identity provider's login page as they enter the QPR MobileDashboard login page.

Click Next to continue.

Pic installation federated authentication.png
10. Ready to Install
The installer is now ready to start copying the application files to the computer. If you need to change any settings, click Back and make the necessary changes.

Once you are satisfied with the settings, click Install to start the installation
Pic installation readytoinstall.png
11. Complete
The installation is now complete. Check the "Launch QPR MobileDashboard" checkbox to have your default browser opened to the QPR MobileDashboard login page.

If you choose not to launch the site straight away, you can access it later on at:


Click Finish to close the installer.

Pic installation completed.png


When upgrading to a new version of QPR MobileDashboard, a database upgrade may be needed. In those cases, a direct upgrade is prevented and you should uninstall the old version of QPR MobileDashboard. After that, install the new version, and select the "Use an existing database" option during installation. The database is then upgraded after the installation is finished and the QPR MobileDashboard service starts.


If you need to repair QPR MobileDashboard installation for whatever reason, restart the "domain1 Glassfish Server" service after the repair before using the product.

Internet Information Services Configuration

To enable more meaningful and relevant error messages in QPR MobileDashboard user interface when data from QPR Suite web services is queried, the default IIS setting for error code 500 in the QPR Suite web services needs to be changed.

To change the error setting:

  1. On the server machine running QPR Suite web services, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Select the Server name > Sites > Default Web Site > <Your QPR installation application (e.g. QPR2016-1)> section.
  3. Double-click Error Pages.
  4. Click Edit Feature Settings...
  5. Select Detailed errors and click OK:
Pic iis detailed errors.png

Glassfish Configuration

See QPR MobileDashboard Glassfish Configuration

Configuring Federated Authentication (SSO)

See QPR MobileDashboard Federated Authentication


See QPR MobileDashboard Installation Troubleshooting