Editable Data Grid

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Revision as of 20:35, 14 February 2018 by Ollvihe (talk | contribs)
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Editable Data Grid is a table, that shows data from QPR Suite, and the data can be edited. QPR Suite Web Service properties define which kind of data can be edited. Mainly QPR Metrics, QPR Portal action forms and QPR Suite user management data can be edited, but not QPR ProcessDesigner or QPR EnterpriceArchitect.

Property Description
selectedRowVariable Local context variable where currently selected row's object id of stored.
query Query parameter for the QPR Suite Web Service query to get the rows to the data grid.
sortby Sorting parameter for the QPR Suite Web Service query to get the rows to the data grid.
queryoptions Options parameter for the QPR Suite Web Service query to get the rows to the data grid.
columns Array of objects where each represent a column in the editable data grid.
Property Description
attribute QPR Suite Web Service attribute name.
attributeParameters Parameters for the attribute.
headerText Column header text that is visible to users.
  • textbox: shows a textbox for storing string values.
  • numericbox: shows a textbox for numeric values. It's not possible to input textual data.
  • dropdown: shows a dropdown list where user can select from a list of predefined items. The items are defined in the dropdownoptions property.
  • metricsdate: shows a date selector that can store dates to Metrics date type of series.
  • date: shows a date selector that can store values using XML date format (e.g. 2018-10-05T16:26:42). Other date type of data than the Metrics date series, use the XML date format.
  • checkbox: shows a checkbox, which is used for storing two possible values. The possible values are defined in trueValue and falseValue properties.
dropdownoptions Options for the dropdown menu (object array with properties label [user visible text] and value [text to store to MEA]). Only used when dropdown is checkbox.
trueValue Attribute value corresponding to checkbox checked state of a checkbox. Used only used when type is checkbox.
falseValue Attribute value corresponding to checkbox unchecked state. Used only used when type is checkbox.
  • required (boolean): Requires an element.
  • minlength (integer): Requires the element to be of given minimum length.
  • maxlength (integer): Requires the element to be of given maximum length.
  • range (two integers): Requires the element to be in given value range.
  • min (integer): The element requires a given minimum.
  • max (integer): The element requires a given maximum.
  • email (boolean): The element requires a valid email.
  • url (boolean): The element requires a valid URL.
  • digits (boolean): The element requires digits only.


validationRules: { required: true, minlength: 3 }
validationRules: { range: [0, 100] }
  "editSettings": {
    "allowAdding": true,
    "allowDeleting": true,
    "allowEditing": true,
    "allowEditing": "normal"
  "toolbarSettings": {
    "showToolbar": true,
    "toolbarItems": ["add", "edit", "delete", "update", "cancel"]
  "columns": [
    { allowEditing: false },

Batch editing is not supported by the editable data grid (editSettings: { allowEditing: "batch" })