HTML Presentation Object: Redirect to URL

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Follow these steps to create a QPR UI view, which redirects user to another webpage, for example to QPR Suite Portal. This page can be used if QPR UI is used just for authenticating user.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a view, and set an identifier for the view as redirectview.
  2. Add a panel and an HTML presentation object. Use the following HTML code:
<div id="message<#uniqueId>"></div>
  var redirectValue<#uniqueId> = "<#redirect>";
  var redirectToUrl<#uniqueId> = "";
  if (redirectValue<#uniqueId>.toLowerCase() == "true") {
    window.location.replace(redirectToUrl<#uniqueId> + "&xsession=<#expression value="info(\"sessionId\")">");
  } else {
    $("#message<#uniqueId>").html("To enable redirection, define context variable <b>redirect</b> to be <b>true</b>. Current value is <b>" + $("<div>").text(redirectValue<#uniqueId>).html() + "</b>. Redirect url is " + redirectToUrl<#uniqueId> + ".");
  1. In the previous code, replace the redirectToUrl<#uniqueId> variable with your target url to redirect. You may also remove + "&xsession=<#expression value="info(\"sessionId\")">" if the session id doesn't need to be added to the redirect url.
  2. Optionally change the layout of the view so that the view shows as empty. That's how the user doesn't see the QPR UI view during redirection. Change background color to white, remove panel border, hide panel fullscreen icon and hide panel header.
  3. Use the following url: http://HOSTNAME:8080/ui/#/dashboard?sys:dashboardIdentifier=redirectview&redirect=true&sys:hideViewHeader=true, where HOSTNAME is replaced by your hostname. Note that the defined identifier is used in the url. Note also the sys:hideViewHeader parameter which hides the QPR UI view header.