QPR Google Analytics

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adding custom Dimensions in Google Analytics for QPR Portal

1. After logging in to Google Analytics navigate to “Admin” page

File:Snipped 11.PNG

2. Navigate to Property → Custom Definitions → Custom Dimensions

File:Snipped 12.PNG

3. Add the following Custom Dimensions (1-5) in correct order:

File:Snipped 13.PNG

Custom reports

“Users” report

1. Customization → New Custom Report

File:Snipped 14.PNG

2. Change the values according to the image below and click “save”: Note: Metrics may be altered according to reporting needs; “Pageviews” is the essential metric in this report. Such as “Avg. visit duration” or “Pages / Visit” may be of use.

File:Snipped 15.PNG

“Pages / User” shortcut

1. Navigate to “Users” report

2. Make this view a shortcut and name it “Pages / User” (we will make a small change on the report and thus change the name)

File:Snipped 16.PNG

3. Now it can be seen under Shortcuts

File:Snipped 17.PNG