MS Visio to QPR Importer (accelerator)

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MS Visio to QPR Importer (accelerator)

28.01.2019 - 12:26

Disclaimer: Please note that QPR Accelerators are not supported by QPR Customer Care and are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.

Overview: Visio to QPR Importer is a tool to convert Microsoft Visio files to QPR ProcessDesigner or EnterpriseArchitect models. Visio to QPR Importer is compatible with Visio vsdx file format. Other Visio file formats need to be converted to vsdx files before importing. All versions of Microsoft Visio 2013 support the vsdx format, and the support is also available for Microsoft Visio 2010 after the SP2 update.

Visio files and QPR models are conceptually very different stores of information, and thus several details need to be considered to get the import functioning as desired. The logic of the import is about mapping Visio shapes to QPR model elements, and the mappings are defined in an xml configuration file. Please see the example configuration file to see different kind of mappings.

Visio to QPR Importer is not able to make any changes to QPR metamodel, such as element types, attribute types, or element type graphical properties. These settings need to be configured in place using QPR Modelling Client before importing. Of course some settings may be changed afterwards, such as graphical settings.

Support discussion to this accelerator is here.

See the Example Visio BPMN for an example import.

Latest version: 1.4.0 (2016-02-29)

Compatible with: QPR Suite 2022.1, QPR Suite 2019.1, QPR Suite 2015.1, QPR Suite 2014.1

Productization level: medium

Required expertise for using: Working with EA/PD metamodel, Editing XML (more information)

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