Multiple Metrics Tabs (accelerator)

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Multiple Metrics Tabs (accelerator)

28.01.2019 - 12:26

Disclaimer: Please note that QPR Accelerators are not supported by QPR Customer Care and are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.

Overview: Multiple Metrics Tabs enables additional tabs for QPR Portal for viewing Metrics models. Default Metrics models and portal views can be defined for the tabs. A default Metrics models is defined for the main tab level and views are defined for each sub tabs (Navigator, Analysis, Actions are supported). Model and portal view can be changed by a user (with Select model and Views buttons), but they are changed back to their default values again, when another tab is opened.

The benefit of this accelerator is that the users do not have to use the Select model -feature, but all relevant content with a specific view is available in their own tabs.

If you need to have additional portal tabs for other purpose than described above, use the New Portal Tabs accelerator.

Demo is available in (there are new tabs "Scorecards 2" and "Scorecards 3").

Latest version: 3.0.0 (2015-07-14)

Compatible with: QPR Suite 2016.1 (3.0.0), QPR Suite 2015.1 (3.0.0), QPR Suite 2014.1 (2.0.0)

Productization level: medium

Required expertise for installing: Changing portal templates (more information)

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