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This page contains preliminary information about new features and fixed issues in the next release.
This page contains preliminary information about new features and fixed issues in the next release.

Revision as of 09:47, 18 September 2024

This page contains preliminary information about new features and fixed issues in the next release.

New features in next release

  • B-08381: Table vertical scrollbar is now hidden when table is not scrollable.
  • B-08382: Measures, dimensions and columns can be duplicated in chart settings.
  • B-08340: New users don't have a default model selected when login for the first time.
  • B-08365: Added following visual settings for KPI Card: font size, text color, text styles, vertical and horizontal alignment.
  • B-08402: QPR ProcessAnalyzer can now connect to Snowflake when running in Snowpark Container Services.
  • B-08355: Expression language identifiers are primarily assumed as variables and secondarily as property names.
  • B-08389: Added support for making multiple Snowflake queries in same request for OCPM queries.
  • B-08416: Improved backend functionality for partially configured OCEL models.
  • B-08397: Backend components have been updated.
  • B-08366: Frontend for OCPM model configuration and Snowflake charts using perspectives.
  • B-08428: Improved Snowflake calculation performance by including to filter cache tables only the event table key.
  • B-08398: Updated translations for release 2024.6.
  • B-08413: Frontend components have been updated.
  • B-08448: Add configuration to disable event cache tables storing primary key only.

Issues fixed in next release

  • D-14147: Snowflake queries gave "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error with MaximumRowCount higher than 2 billion.
  • D-14189: Dropdown list component gave following error when clicking Add button for "List items": Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'axisLabel').
  • D-14192: Datagrid paging settings are now preserved when resizing or zooming window.
  • D-14214: In System reports, dropdown list showing dashboards didn't open if there were more than 1000 dashboards.
  • D-14209: Fixed issue where moving projects in Workspace was not possible.
  • D-14210: Fixes for issue with incorrectly shown pending tasks in System Reports.
  • D-14218: CSV file import didn't detect existing column correctly when there was difference only in letter case.
  • D-14184: Giving ScriptText or ScriptFileName as parameter for QPR ScriptLauncher created a broken script.
  • D-14220: AI assistant gave strange error message when trying to explain chart showing error.
  • D-14162: Expression "0.()" gave null reference error.
  • D-14135: Expression based Snowflake filter rule caused error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
  • D-14186: Highcharts visualizations datalabel texts were incorrectly shown over tooltips.
  • D-14229: Snowflake disabled filter rules didn't affect header object counts when there were several filter rules.
  • D-14228: In Model and Model statistics reports, columns showing case and event attributes didn't work.
  • D-14213: In User Settings dialog, Effective Permissions settings are now preserved while dialog is open.
  • D-14227: Fixed issue where applying chart settings in System reports made settings pane empty.
  • D-14185: Stack traces are incorrectly returned even if IncludeExceptionDetailsInErrors is false.
  • D-14226: Fixed several OCPM calculation related issues in backend.
  • D-13943: Added error message to Case attribute selector when model doesn't have selected case attribute.
  • D-14242: SqlDataFrame.Persist keeps the original column types even if they are changed.
  • D-14246: Chart setting dialog may have been partly out of screen when activating other chart while in dashboard is scrolled.
  • D-14238: Snowflake chart measure aggregation is incorrectly affected by statistical calculations.
  • D-14133: "Aggregate_Attribute" settings causes JS error and UI messed up.
  • D-14172: Fixed issue where validation error appeared when copying and moving elements in Design Diagram.
  • D-14253: Table didn't show column filter icon when column name was empty.

Features under work

  • B-08418: QPR ProcessAnalyzer has been integrated into Snowflake authentication for Snowpark Container Services.
  • B-08443: Optimized object-centric models perspective generation.

Fixes under work

  • D-14250: "Show in Query Designer" button didn't show full query sent to server.
  • D-14256: Workspace showed progress spinner forever if trying to remove rows from table where there is no access.

Note: Features and fixes under work are not necessarily targeting to the next release.