QPR ProcessAnalyzer API

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QPR ProcessAnalyzer API can be used to build integrations with other applications and automate operations in the process mining system.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer API is a JSON based API following the REST design principles. All methods (except the token and serverinfo) require a prior login to establish a session. The session is initialized with the token call with username and password, and the access token is returned as a response for a successful login. The methods requiring prior authenticated session, need to have a HTTP request header Authorization with value Bearer <access token> to identify the session.

Url for calling the API has the following form (replace the server hostname with a correct one):


Following methods are available:

Method Description
token Login user using username and password and get a session token as a response.
api/signout Logs out a user session.
api/expression Runs an expression.
api/expression/query Runs query written using the expression language and returns result data as response.
api/filters Get filters for all models or filters for a single model.
api/serverinfo Returns common system information needed by UI, such as the default UI language and in whether SSO has been configured.
api/importfile Import data into datatable from .csv, .xes or .pacm file.
api/usersettings Save user specific settings to the server.
api/operations/terminate Stops the defined tasks (by the task id) to save computing resources.
api/analysis/cancel Stops currently running tasks (by the task identifier) to save computing resources.
api/saml2/acs Identity provider (IdP) will send the SAML 2.0 assertion to this endpoint, which responses with 302 to redirect to QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI.
api/saml2 Returns the SAML 2.0 service provider (SP) metadata, if SAML 2.0 authentication has been configured.

In addition, there are methods for


Following function written in Python starts a script in QPR ProcessAnalyzer by calling the REST API. The function does following: (1) login to QPR ProcessAnalyzer, (2) start the script, and (3) log out. The call just starts the script without waiting for it to complete (asynchronous behavior).

def startQprProcessAnalyzerScript(serverUrl: str, username: str, password: str, scriptId: int):
  loginData = {
      "grant_type": "password",
      "username": username,
      "password": password
  loginResponse = requests.post(
    url = serverUrl + "/token",
    data = loginData
  sessionToken = loginResponse.json().get("access_token")
  startScriptResponse = requests.post(
    url = serverUrl + "/api/scripts/run/" + str(scriptId),
    headers = {
      "Authorization": "Bearer " + sessionToken,
      "Content-type": "application/json"

  logOutResponse = requests.post(
      url = serverUrl + "/api/signout",
       headers = {
         "Authorization": "Bearer " + sessionToken,
         "Content-type": "application/json"

The function can be called as follows:

  serverUrl = "https://server.onqpr.com/qprpa",
  username = "qpr",
  password = "demo",
  scriptId = 1

The script id can be found in the scripts list in the Workspace.