Web API for Dashboards
Dashboards API is used to create dashboards, delete dashboards and edit dashboards properties.
Note that the Workspace Elements API supports also dashboards.
The dashboards API has the following methods.
GET api/dashboards
Gets a list of all dashboards in the system (if no parameter is provided). Supports optional query parameter projectId which is project id where to get dashboards from.
GET api/dashboards/{id}
Gets a dashboard entity by the dashboard id. If dashboard doesn't exist, not found error is returned. If current user has no access to the dashboard, unauthorized error is returned.
POST api/dashboards
Creates a new empty dashboard. Takes the dashboard entity in the body (read-only properties are ignored). Returns the created dashboard entity. If current user has no rights to create dashboard, unauthorized error is returned.
PUT api/dashboards/{id}
Updates properties of an existing dashboard with the given id. If dashboard doesn't exist, not found error is returned. If current user has no rights to modify the dashboard, unauthorized error is returned.
DELETE api/dashboards/{id}
Deletes a dashboard with given id. If the dashboard doesn't exist, not found error is returned. If current user has no rights to delete the dashboard, unauthorized error is returned.