Next Release Content

From QPR ProcessAnalyzer Wiki
Revision as of 09:47, 18 September 2024 by Ollvihe (talk | contribs)
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This page contains preliminary information about new features and fixed issues in the next release.

Features under work

  • B-08418: QPR ProcessAnalyzer has been integrated into Snowflake authentication for Snowpark Container Services.
  • B-08420: Prevent legacy "Local" datatable creation.
  • B-08425: EF migration: 9 tables.
  • B-08443: Optimized object-centric models perspective generation.

Fixes under work

  • D-14250: "Show in Query Designer" button didn't show full query sent to server.
  • D-14256: Workspace showed progress spinner forever if trying to remove rows from table where there is no access.

Note: Features and fixes under work are not necessarily targeting to the next release.