SQL Expressions
SQL expressions are special expressions, which are converted into SQL and evaluated in an external system that supports SQL (e.g., Snowflake, SQL Server, Databricks, Redshift). Only a subset of expression language functionalities are supported by the SQL expressions (which are explained in this page). SQL expressions are used e.g. in the Where and WithExpressionColumn functions.
Following operators are supported by by the SQL expressions:
- Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
- Comparison operators: ==, <, <=, >, >=, !=.
- Logical operators: &&, or, !
- Data types: strings ("this is a string"), integers (123), decimal numbers (123.45), booleans (true, false), null value (null)
Function | Parameters | Description |
CaseWhen |
Goes through conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met, similar to an if-then-else. Once a condition is true, it will stop reading and return the result. If no conditions are true, it returns the value in the else-expression. Consists of any number of pairs of condition and value expressions followed by an optional else expression. The odd parameters are the conditions and the even parameters are the return values. If no conditions are true, it returns the value in the last parameter which is the "else" parameter. If the "else" parameter is not defined (i.e. there are even number of parameters), null value is used as default. CaseWhen(Column("a") == null, 1, Column("a") < 1.0, 2, 3) Returns 1 if the value of column "a" is null. Returns 2 if the value of column "a" is less than 1.0. Returns 3 otherwise. | |
Ceiling | number |
Returns given value rounded to the nearest equal or larger integer. The data type should be one of the numeric data types. If the value is null, then the result is also null. |
Coalesce |
Returns the first non-null parameter it is given. There can be any number of parameters. If all parameters are null, returns null. | |
Column | Return the value of given column. | |
Concat |
Return the concatenated string value of given values. | |
Floor |
Returns given value rounded to the nearest equal or smaller integer. The data type should be one of the numeric data types. If the value is null, then the result is also null. | |
Variable |
Returns the value of given variable. Supports number, string and boolean values. Examples: let x = "124256122"; CreateRedshiftConnection().Table("eventlog_o2c_events").Where(#sql{Column("CaseId")==Variable("x")}).Collect() Returns cases having id equal to "124256122". | |
DateDiff |
Calculates how many specified date part boundaries there are between the specified dates. Parameters:
Function | Parameters | Description |
Day | Returns the days part of given timestamp. | |
Hour | Returns the hours part of given timestamp. | |
Millisecond | Returns the milliseconds part of given timestamp. | |
Minute | Returns the minutes part of given timestamp. | |
Month | Returns the months part of given timestamp. | |
Second | Returns the seconds part of given timestamp. | |
Year | Returns the years part of given timestamp. |
Function | Parameters | Description |
AggregateFrom |
Aggregates value from an aggregation level that is has smaller grain size than the current level used in the analysis to the current level. Parameters:
Examples: "Root": "EventTypes", "Values": [{ "Name": "Count", "Expression": "AggregateFrom(Events, \"Count\")" }] Returns the number of events having each event type. "Root": "Cases", "Values": [{ "Name": "Variation", "Expression": "AggregateFrom(Events, #{ \"Function\": \"List\", \"Ordering\": [\"TimeStamp\"], \"Separator\": \"#,#\" }, Column(\"EventType\"))" }] Returns variation/event type path string for all the cases. "Root":"Cases", "Values":[{ "Name":"NumCasesWithSameVariation", "Expression": "GetValueFrom(Variations, AggregateFrom(Cases, \"Count\"))" }] Returns the number of cases having the same variation for every case. "Root": "Model", "Values": [{ "Name": "NumCasesWithDallasAsRegion", "Expression":"AggregateFrom(Cases, \"Count\", null, #{\"Items\":[#{\"Type\":\"IncludeCases\",\"Items\":[#{\"Type\":\"CaseAttributeValue\",\"Values\":[\"Dallas\"], \"Attribute\":\"Region\"}]}]})" }] Returns the total number of cases in the model having "Dallas" as the value of "Region" case attribute. "Root":"Cases", "Values": [{ "Name": "Duration", "Expression": "Cast(DateDiff(\"Seconds\", AggregateFrom(Events.Where(Column(\"EventType\") == \"Sales Order\"), \"Min\", Column(\"TimeStamp\")), AggregateFrom(Events.Where(Column(\"EventType\") == \"Invoice\"), \"Max\", Column(\"TimeStamp\"))), \"Float\")" }] Returns the duration in seconds between the first occurrence of "Sales Order"-event type and the last occurrence of "Invoice"-event type for each case. | |
GetValueFrom |
Retrieves the value from aggregation level that has bigger or the same grain size than the current level to current level. Parameters:
Examples: "Root": "Events", "Values":[{ "Name":"Account Manager", "SourceColumn": "Account Manager", "Expression": "GetValueFrom(Cases, Column(\ "Account Manager\"))" }] Returns for each event the value of Account Manager case attribute. "Root": "Events", "Values":[{ "Name": "Variation", "Expression": "GetValueFrom(Variations, Column(\"Variation\"))" }] Returns for each event variation/event type path string of its case. "Root":"Cases", "Values":[{ "Name":"NumCasesWithSameVariation", "Expression": "GetValueFrom(Variations, AggregateFrom(Cases, \"Count\"))" }] Returns the number of cases having the same variation for every case. "Root":"Cases", "Values":[{ "Name":"FilteredVariation", "Expression": "GetValueFrom(Cases, Column(\"Variation\"), #{{\"Items\":[#{{\"Type\":\"IncludeEventTypes\",\"Items\":[#{{\"Type\": \"EventType\",\"Values\":[\"Shipment\",\"Invoice\"]}}]}}]}})" }] Returns cases with their variations where only "Shipment" and "Invoice" event types are taken into account. |