QPR ProcessAnalyzer Expression Examples
The following examples assume that there is a filter with id 1. point. All KPI analyses also have an EventLog as a starting point, so expression written after the "EventLogById(1)." is a valid expression for KPI Analyses.
Get all event types that appear among the events:
Same as previous, except return event type names (Strings):
Get a hierarchical array, where the upper level are EventTypes and the leaf level are Events:
Get a hierarchical array, where the upper level are EventTypes and the leaf level are also EventTypes (all branches contain same EventTypes):
List all Events as leaf nodes which timestamp is after 2012-01-01:
EventLogById(1).EventTypes:Events.Where(Timestamp > DateTime(2012,1,1))
Calculates count of Events in the leaf nodes:
Count(EventLogById(1).EventTypes:Events.Where(Timestamp > DateTime(2012,1,1)))
Events are ordered beginning from the last one:
EventLogById(1).EventTypes.OrderByDescending(Events, Timestamp)
Same as the previous but with explicit context specified:
EventLogById(1).EventTypes.OrderByDescending(_.Events, _.Timestamp)
Shows all event types in a single comma separated string list:
EventLogById(1).(StringJoin(", ", EventTypes.Name))
Same as the previous, except in addition the EventTypes are ordered by name:
EventLogById(1).(StringJoin(", ", OrderByDescending(EventTypes, Name).Name))
List of all the Starter flows in a model from filterId=1:
Go through the model recursively using the flows:
Traverse the model using events:
All case attribute values within the model grouped by case attribute types:
Let("cases", EventLogById(1).Cases, EventLogById(1).CaseAttributes:(Let("attribute", _, cases.Attribute(attribute))))
All event attribute values within the model grouped by event attribute types:
Let("events", EventLogById(1).Events, EventLogById(1).EventAttributes:(Let("attribute", _, events.Attribute(attribute))))
Define a new user defined functions named "First", which takes the first item in an array:
Def("First", "a", GetAt(0, a));
The defined array can be used as follows:
First(Array(1, 2, 3)) returns: 1
Def("x", "a", Distinct(RecurseLeaves(OrderBy(EventLogById(a).Cases.Events, Type.Name), Type.Name)))
Function definition that uses itself, i.e. recursive functions:
Def("Fib", "a", If(a < 2, 1, Fib(a - 1) + Fib(a - 2))); For("i", 0, i < 10, i + 1, Fib(i));
Takas all models, and show them in "id:name" format:
Models.StringJoin(":", [Id, Name])
Models.[Id, Name]