QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App in Snowflake
QPR ProcessAnalyzer can run as Snowflake Native App. To get started, go to the Snowflake Marketplace and search "QPR ProcessAnalyzer". Install the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App and click the Launch App button.
Get started
QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App requires eventlog data extracted from source systems. Data in Snowflake need to be converted into the suitable eventlog format.
To get started, you can import example eventlogs as follows:
- Create project in the Workspace.
- Go to the project and import model from sample eventlog files.
- Double-click the model to start Process Discovery or create dashboards.
Manage permissions
Give give access to the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App, click the Manage access button in the app page and add the desired roles that need access to the app.
QPR ProcessAnalyzer has a separate User Management which is integrated into Snowflake user management. When a Snowflake user login to QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App, the user is automatically created to QPR ProcessAnalyzer. New users get by default administrator permissions to QPR ProcessAnalyzer. If you need to restrict user permissions, create the users beforehand to QPR ProcessAnalyzer and set their permissions as desired.
QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App need to have access to data in Snowflake and it's limited by the permissions given to the owner role of the QPR ProcessAnalyzer service. Give permissions to that role for databases containing eventlog data that will be analyzed in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App. At least following privileges are needed:
- Database: USAGE
- Schema : USAGE
- Table/view: SELECT
Use virtual warehouses
When QPR ProcessAnalyzer Native App installed, XS-size virtual warehouse is created and it's used by default. Different warehouse can be used by changing it with the following command:
ALTER SERVICE <service_name> SET QUERY_WAREHOUSE = <warehouse_name>;