Email Notifications

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Revision as of 20:12, 3 February 2021 by Ollvihe (talk | contribs)
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Notifications send emails messages automatically when there is something notable in the processes. When creating notifications, criteria for sending is defined. Notifications set defined for models, and each model can have several notifications.

Creating notifications

Notifications are edited in Email notifications dialog that can be opened in the models list by first selecting Notifications. Defining notifications requires at least project Designer or Administrator permissions (GenericWrite permission).

Notifications have following settings:

  • Name:
  • To, Cc, Bcc:
  • Subject
  • Body:
  • Model filter:
  • Measures:
  • Criteria:
  • Body is html
  • Priority:
  • From email address:
  • Sender
  • Reply to address
  • Dimensions

Sending notifications

Notifications can be sent either manually in the Email notifications dialog or by using the Model.TriggerNotifications function.

Notifications can be triggered using a script as follows:

(SELECT 'AnalysisType', '33') UNION ALL
(SELECT 'ContextType', 'Generic') UNION ALL
(SELECT 'Configuration', '{"Root":"ModelById(123).TriggerNotifications([""Notification 1"", ""Notification 2""])"}')