Email Notifications

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Notifications functionality monitors processes based on the defined rules and automatically send email messages to defined recipients, for example when there are deviations in the process flow requiring corrective actions. Notifications are defined for models, and each model can contain several notification rules. When working with the notifications, the notifications first need to defined, requiring to define e.g. criteria for sending the email and the email message contents. When notifications are in place, the sending (or triggering) the notifications need to be scheduled using a script (alternatively a user-initiated triggering from the UI can be used).

When notifications are processed and sent, the following logic is applied:

  1. If the optional filter is defined, it's applied to the model data. If there is no filter, the entire model data is used.
  2. If notifications are to be sent to several recipients with different message for each recipient, the data can be divided into dimensions (notifications will be sent for each of the dimension values). If no dimensions is defined, maximum of one email message is sent.
  3. If the email subject or body needs to contain dynamically changing information, measures can be defined and used them in the email properties. The measures are calculated for each of the dimension values.
  4. Criteria defining for example a threshold value, is applied for each of the dimension value (i.e. a potential notification), and based on it actual notification email is either sent or not. Dimensions and measures can be used in the criteria expression (as variables by their names).

Defining notifications

Notifications can be defined in Email notifications dialog, that can be opened in the models list by selecting Notifications. The dialog contains a table of all notifications in the model, and there notifications can be created, edited, deleted and sent. Defining notifications requires at least project Designer or project Administrator permissions (GenericWrite permission).

Notification rows can be double-clicked or selecting a row and clicking the Edit button, to open a dialog for editing an individual notification. Each notification have following properties:

  • Name: Name for the notification describing it shortly and identifying it in the model notifications list.
  • To, Cc, Bcc: List of to, cc and bcc recipient addresses for the email message. At least one email address needs to be defined in any of the fields. One address is mandatory.
  • Subject: Subject of the email message. Cannot be empty.
  • Body: Body of the email message. The body can be defined as an html document, if the Message is html is checked.
  • Model filter: This filter is applied to the model data, creating the dataset to be used for the notification calculation. The filter can be used to narrow down the data related to which to send the notifications to.
  • Measures: Measures are calculated for each of the dimension value (or the entire data, if no dimensions are defined). Measures can be used in the email fields and in the criteria expression.
  • Criteria: Expression that determines whether the email is sent or not. For example, the criteria can be used to define that the notification is sent only if a measure is greater than the defined threshold value. The criteria expression is optional, and if not defined, the notification is always sent.
  • Message is html: When selected, the email body is interpreted as an html document. If unselected, the email body should contain plain text.
  • Priority: Priority of the email message: High, Normal or Low.
  • From email address: Email address where the notification appears to be coming from. If there is a default from address defined for the system (SmtpFromAddress), this field can be left empty.
  • Reply to address: One or several email addresses which appear as recipients when replying to the notification email.
  • Dimensions: Dimensions can be used if the defined notification needs to send several emails to different recipients (for example, related to each region, product, customer or other attribute). If no dimensions are defined, one notification email is sent related to the defined notification.

To add dynamic content to the fields defining the email message (e.g. To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Body), the measure and dimensions names can be used with syntax ${name}. It's also possible to define expressions in the same curly brackets, e.g. ${name.Substring(0,20)}.

Example for email subject (assuming there is a measure numberOfCases):

Process is blocked for total of ${numberOfCases} orders

Another example where there is an embedded expression using the ${...} syntax:

Process is blocked for total of ${Count(EventLog.Cases)} orders

Sending notifications

Notifications can be processed and sent (triggered) either in the Email notifications dialog by clicking the Send notifications button, or by using the Model.TriggerNotifications() function in the expression language. Note that no actual emails might necessarily be sent if the the criteria for sending the emails is not fulfilled. Note also that triggering the notifications only starts the processing, so neither the Send notifications button nor the TriggerNotifications return any errors if the notification processing fails.

Notifications can be triggered from the SQL scripts as follows (notifications Notification 1 and Notification 2 for model id 123):

(SELECT 'AnalysisType', '33') UNION ALL
(SELECT 'ContextType', 'Generic') UNION ALL
(SELECT 'Configuration', '{"Root":"ModelById(123).TriggerNotifications([""Notification 1"", ""Notification 2""])"}')

Setup walkthrough

Let's define a notification which is sent if certain case attribute value occurs in a case.

  1. Open the Notifications dialog for a model and click Add notification rule.
  2. Define a name for the notification and a To address in the General tab.
  3. In the Measures tab, click the plus button and define a measure name notifiedCases.
  4. Select Cases with specific case attribute value, select a case attribute and a value.
  5. In the General tab, define a Subject There are ${notifiedCases} cases requiring actions!.
  6. Go to the Preview emails tab and check that the subject is created dynamically.
  7. Define a body text for the email message.
  8. Now the email is sent always when the notification is triggered. To define a criteria for the sending, go to the Sending criteria tab and add criteria notifiedCases > 10. This criteria means that the notification is only sent when there are more than 10 cases having that case attribute value. You can check from the Preview emails tab, that if the criteria is not fulfilled, no email is sent.
  9. You can then define a filter, if you want to send the notification only related to certain region or other case attribute value. Go to the Model filters tab and add the filter rule.
  10. To send several emails related to the same defined notification, go to the Advanced tab and add a dimension (e.g. a case attribute).
  11. Go to the Preview emails tab and see that there is a table where there is a row for each email to be sent.
  12. You can also add the dimension value to the email message (to identify which the message is related to) with syntax ${dimensionName}.