Process Mining Objects in Expression Language: Difference between revisions

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Line 776: Line 776:
1. Adds possibly multiple values into the dictionary.
Adds possibly multiple values into the dictionary.
2. Parameters:
2. Parameters:
2.1. Takes even number of parameters, where:
2.1. Takes even number of parameters, where:
Line 784: Line 784:
3.1. Will throw an exception if a value with the same key already exists in the dictionary.
3.1. Will throw an exception if a value with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "b", 2).(Get("a") + Get("b"))
ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "b", 2).(Get("a") + Get("b"))
Line 790: Line 791:
ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "a", 2).Get("a")
ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "a", 2).Get("a")
Throws an exception.
Throws an exception.

Revision as of 13:06, 26 April 2019

QPR ProcessAnalyzer expression language is an object oriented language. This page lists all object types, and properties and functions that they have.

In the tables in this page, after the property or function name there is the type of the returned object in parenthesis. Asterisk (*) after the type means that the return value is an array of objects (multiple objects instead of one).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer objects


AttributeType functions Parameters Description
EventsHavingValue (Event*)
  • Value to use for matching (Object)

Returns all Events that have the given value for this AttributeType. If the AttributeType is a case attribute, then all the returned events belong to a Case that has the specified value as the value of this case attribute. If the AttributeType is an event attribute, then all the returned Events have the specified value as the value of this event attribute.


Returns: An array of events that have "James" as the value of "SAP_User" event attribute.

Returns: A hierarchical array of event attributes with each having a sub array of events that have "James" as the value of the parent event attribute.

Returns: An array of events that have "Dallas" as the value of their case's "Region" case attribute.

Returns: A hierarchical array of case attributes with each having a sub array of events that have "Dallas" as the value of the parent case attribute of their case.
CasesHavingValue (Case*)
  • Value to use for matching (Object)

Returns all Cases that have given value for this attribute. If the AttributeType is a case attribute, then all the returned Cases have the specified value as the value of this case attribute. If the AttributeType is an event attribute, then all the returned Cases have at least one Event that has the specified value as the value of this event attribute.


Returns: An array of cases that have at least one event which has "James" as the value of "SAP_User" event attribute.

Returns: A hierarchical array of event attributes with each having a sub array of cases that have at least one event which has "James" as the value of the parent event attribute.

Returns: An array of cases that have "Dallas" as the value of "Region" case attribute.

Returns: A hierarchical array of case attributes with each having a sub array of cases that have "Dallas" as the value of the parent case attribute.
AttributeType properties Description
CalculationExpression (String) Expression used to calculate values for a calculated attribute. Value is null if attribute ValueOrigin is Imported.
Id (Integer) AttributeType Id. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
Name (String) Attribute name.
ValueOrigin (String) Describes where the attribute values are coming from. Either of the following:
  • Calculated: Attribute values are calculated during the model loading using an expression.
  • Imported: Attribute values are imported to QPR ProcessAnalyzer, e.g. read from the ODBC data source.
Values (String Array) Returns an array of all the existing unique values for this AttributeType.


A case is a single execution instance of a process. A case consist of Events. Case can have CaseAttributes storing additional information of that case. A Case doesn't need to have Events in QPR ProcessAnalyzer.

Case properties Description
Duration (TimeSpan) Case duration, i.e. duration between Case start and Case end time. Case duration is zero for Cases having only one Event.
EndTime (DateTime) Case end time, i.e. timestamp of the last Event.
Events (Event*) All events in the Case in temporal order by event timestamp.
FirstEvent (Event) The first Event in the Case in temporal order. Better performing shortcut for Events[0].
FlowOccurrences (FlowOccurrence*) All FlowOccurrences in the Case.
Flows (Flow*) All Flows the Case goes through.
Id (Integer) Case Id. Case id is generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
LastEvent (Event) The last Event in the Case in temporal order. Better performing shortcut for Events[Count(_) - 1].
Name (String) Case name. The case name comes from the source data when data is imported to QPR ProcessAnalyzer.
StartTime (DateTime) Case start time, i.e. timestamp of the first Event.
Variation (Variation) Variation the Case belongs to.
Case functions Parameters Description
  1. ConformanceModel
  2. Parameters

Checks whether the Case conforms with given DesignModel and reports a list of violations if the case doesn't conform. The function returns an array where the first item is the nonconformance reason as an integer. Next items in the array depends on the reasons, and thus there may be none or several further items in the array.

The parameters are an optional key-value pairs containing additional settings for the conformance checking (see: allowed settings).


Let("myConformanceModel", ConformanceModelFromXml(xml));
Let("myEventLog", EventLogById(1));
Let("cases", OrderBy(EventLogById(1).Cases, Name));
    ? " ("
  +": "+StringJoin("->",Events.Type.Name))

Returns: A report containing a line for each case (in filter having id 1) showing whether the Case conforms with the model (in xml variable) or not and if not, gives some information on why the conformance check failed for that case.
Attribute (Object)
  • attribute name (string)
Returns case attribute value. Case attribute name is provided as a parameter. This function is needed when there are spaces in the case attribute name. If there are no spaces, syntax .attributeName can be used.
EventsByType (Event*)
  • EventType object(s) or EventType name(s) (string or array)

Returns all Events in the Case which are of given type(s). The parameter can be either an EventType object or EventType name as a string. The parameter can also be an array of multiple EventType objects or EventType names.


Returns: Array of events having event type named "Invoice".

Returns: Array of events having event type named "Invoice".

case.EventsByType(["Invoice", "Shipment"])
Returns: Array of events having event type named "Invoice" or "Shipment".

case.EventsByType(EventLog.EventTypes.Where(Name=="Invoice" || Name=="Shipment"))
Returns: Array of events having event type named "Invoice" or "Shipment".
EventTimeStampsByType (DateTime*)
  • EventType object(s) or EventType name(s) (string or array)

Returns timestamps of all Events of given type in the Case.



Note: The result is same than (except the first one is faster to calculate):

FlowOccurrencesByType (FlowOccurrence*)
  • Flow object or id of FlowOccurrence (Integer)

Returns all FlowOccurrences of this case which are of given type. The parameter can be either a Flow object or an integer identifying the id of the flow occurrence.


Returns: All the flow occurrences in the case belonging to the first flow in event log.

Returns: All the flow occurrences in the case belonging to the first flow in event log.
IsConformant (Boolean)
  1. ConformanceModel
  2. Parameters

Checks whether the Case conforms with given ConformanceModel. Returns true if the Case conforms with the given design model.

The parameters are an optional key-value pairs containing additional settings for the conformance checking (see: allowed settings).


Let("myConformanceModel", ConformanceModelFromXml(xml));
Let("myEventlog", EventLogById(1));
Count(myEventlog.Cases.Where(IsConformant(myConformanceModel))) / Count(myEventlog.Cases)

Returns: Proportion of conforming cases in the EventLog created for filter having id 1.


Event properties Description
Case (Case) Case the event belongs to.
Id (Integer) Event id. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
IndexInCase (Integer) Index number of the Event in the case (in temporal order). The first event has index number 0, the second event has index number 1 and so on.
IncomingFlowOccurrence (FlowOccurrence) Preceding FlowOccurrence of the Event.
Model (Model) Model the event belongs to.
NextInCase (Event) Temporally next event in the case. For the last event, return EMPTY.
PreviousInCase (Event) Temporally previous event in the case. For the first event, return EMPTY.
OutgoingFlowOccurrence (FlowOccurrence) The following FlowOccurrence of the Event.
TimeStamp (DateTime) Timestamp of the Event.
Type (EventType) EventType of the Event.
TypeName (String) Name of the EventType of the Event. Result is the same as with Type.Name, but the TypeName shortcut has better performance.
Event functions Parameters Description
Attribute (object)
  • attribute name (string)
Return event attribute value. Event attribute name is provided as a parameter. This function is needed when there are spaces in the event attribute name. If there are no spaces, syntax .attributeName can be used.


EventLog is a list of events and information related to them, such as event and case attributes. There are following types of EventLogs:

  • Model EventLog represents all the data within a QPR ProcessAnalyer model
  • Filter EventLog represents data related to a filter in a model
EventLog properties Description
CaseAttributes (AttributeType*) Used case attribute in the EventLog.
Cases (Case*) Cases that belong to the EventLog.
EventAttributes (AttributeType*) Used event attributes in the EventLog.
Events (Event*) Events that belong to the EventLog.
EventTypes (EventType*) EventTypes in the EventLog.
FilterEventLog (EventLog) Returns an EventLog representing all the events in the filter (where the current EventLog resides) (for example, if the EventLog has applied selection filters).
Flows (Flow*) Flows that the part of the EventLog.
Id (Integer) EventLog Id.
Model (Model) Model where the EventLog belongs.
ModelEventLog (EventLog) Returns an EventLog representing all the events in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer model (where the current EventLog resides).
Name (String) EventLog name.
Variations (Variation*) Variations that are in the EventLog
EventLog functions Parameters Description
EventsByType (Event*)
  • EventType object or EventType name (string or array)

Returns all Events in the EventLog which are of given type(s). The parameter can be either an EventType object or EventType name as a string. The parameter can also be an array of multiple EventType objects or EventType names.


EventTypes are individual activities in processes, i.e. EventTypes are the boxes in the process flowchart.

EventType properties Description
Cases (Case*) Cases that have events of this EventType.
Count (Integer) Number of Events that have this EventType.
Events (Event*) Events of that EventType.
Id (Integer) EventType Id. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
IncomingFlows (Flow*) All Flows that start from the EventType.
Name (string) EventType name.
OutgoingFlows (Flow*) All Flows that end to the EventType.
UniqueCount (Integer) Number of Cases having events of this EventType.


Flow is a combination of two EventTypes where there are FlowOccurrences between them. Unlike FlowOccurrencies, a Flow is not related to a single case. Flowchart shows Flows and EventTypes (not FlowOccurences or Events). In a Case, there may be several FlowOccurrences of a single Flow.

Flow properties Description
AverageDuration (TimeSpan) Returns the average duration of Flow within the EventLog, i.e. average duration of the related FlowOccurrence durations.
Cases (Case*) Cases that contain the flow, i.e. there is a flow occurrence between Flow's starting and ending events.
DurationStandardDeviation (TimeSpan) Returns the standard deviation of the Flow duration within the EventLog, i.e. standard deviation of the related FlowOccurrence durations.
FlowOccurrences (FlowOccurrence*) Flow occurrences the flow belongs to.
From (EventType) EventType from which this Flow starts. Value is null for starting flows.
Id (Integer) Flow Id. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
MedianDuration (TimeSpan) Returns the median duration of Flows within the EventLog, i.e. median duration of the related FlowOccurrence durations.
Name (String) Identifying name of the Flow.
To (EventType) EventType to which this Flow ends. Value is null for ending flows.


FlowOccurrence represents a transition from an event to another event in a case. Thus, FlowOccurrence is related to a single case. There is also a FlowOccurrence from the "start" of the case to the first event of the case, and a FlowOccurrence from the last event of the case to the "end" of the case. Corresponding flow is visible in BPMN kind of flowcharts showing separate start and event icons. Thus, there are one more FlowOccurrences in a case than the number of events.

FlowOccurrence properties Description
Case (Case) Case the FlowOccurrence belongs to.
Duration (TimeSpan) Returns the duration of the FlowOccurrence. null is returned if the FlowOccurrence represents Case start or end.
Flow (Flow) Corresponding Flow of the FlowOccurrence.
From (Event) Event from where the FlowOccurrence begins. Value is null for starting flow occurrences.
Id (Integer) FlowOccurrence Id. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
Name (String) Identifying name of the FlowOccurrence.
OccurrenceIndex (Integer) Occurrence index describes how many times the Flow of the FlowOccurrence has occurred in the case until that point. The first time has occurrence index 0. When a case goes through a certain flow the second time, the occurrence index is 1.
To (Event) Event to where the FlowOccurrence ends. Value is null for ending flow occurrences.


Model properties Description
CaseAttributes (AttributeType*) CaseAttributes in the model. Using this property requires that the model is loaded in the memory. If the model is not in the memory, it's loaded when this property is used.
ConfigurationJson (String) Returns an model configuration in JSON format.
CreatedDate (DateTime) Timestamp when the model was created.
DefaultFilterId (Integer) Default filter id of the model.
ConfigurationJson (String) Returns an model configuration in JSON format.
Description (String) Model description. The model description may contain line breaks.
EventAttributes (AttributeType*) EventAttributes in the model. Using this property requires that the model is loaded in the memory. If the model is not in the memory, it's loaded when this property is used.
EventLog (EventLog) EventLog for the model default filter. The model EventLog contains all events in the model, i.e. no filters have been applied. Using this property requires that the model is loaded in the memory. If the model is not in the memory, it's loaded when this property is used.
Id (Integer) Model Id. Model Id is generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is created.
LastImportDate (DateTime) Timestamp when data was the last time imported to the model.
LastModifiedDate (DateTime) Timestamp when the model was modified the last time.
Name (String) Model name.
NBookmarks (Integer) Number of bookmarks in the model.
NCache (Integer) Amount of objects related to the model when the model is loaded into the memory.
NCaseAttributes (Integer) Number of CaseAttributes in model.
NCases (Integer) Number of Cases in the model.
NEventAttributes (Integer) Number of EventAttributes in model.
NEvents (Integer) Number of Events in model.
NEventTypes (Integer) Number of EventTypes in the model.
NFilters (Integer) Number of filters in the model.
NOpens (Integer) Number of times analysis has been requested from the model.
Project (Project) Project object the model belongs to.
ProjectId (String) Project id the model belongs to.
Status (String)

Memory availability status of the model. There are the following statuses:

  • Loading: The model is currently loading into the memory. When the loading is ready, the status changes to online. If the loading fails, the status changes to offline.
  • Offline: The model is currently not loaded into the memory. The model needs to be loaded into the memory, so that analyses can be calculated from the model (occurs automatically when an analysis is requested).
  • Online: The model is in the memory and ready for analysis calculation. If the model is dropped from the memory, its status changes to offline.


  • Regarding properties returning object counts: For models downloaded from an ODBC datasource, the numbers represent the situation in the previous data load. Null is returned for models downloaded from an ODBC datasource, if the model has never been loaded into the memory. Note also that if Case permissions are used for the model, null is returned for data security reasons.
  • Using CaseAttributes, EventAttributes or Eventlog properties of the Model object requires the model to be loaded in the memory. If the model is not in the memory, it's loaded when these properties is used. Other Model object properties down require the model to be in the memory.


Project properties Description
Id (Integer) Id of the Project. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
Name (String) Name of the Project.
Models (Model*) Models that are in the Project.


User objects represents users and user groups. Note that some properties can only be used for users and some for groups.

User properties Description
Description (String) Description of the user.
Email (String) Email address of the user.
FullName (String) Full name of the user or group name.
GroupMemberNames (String*) Array of names of members of a user group. This property is available for groups.
GroupMembers (User*) Array of members of a user group. This property is available for groups.
GroupNames (String*) Array of names of user groups the user belongs to. This property is available for users.
Groups (User*) Array of user groups the user belongs to. This property is available for users.
Id (String) Id of the user, which is unique for every user.
IsActive (Boolean) Returns true only if the user is active (not disabled).
IsGroup (Boolean) Returns true if the user is a user group.
LogonMessage (String) Returns the logon message of the user.
Name (String) Login name of the user or group.
Roles (String Array*) Roles of user as string array.


Variation is unique sequence of events in a case. A case belongs to a single variation.

Variation properties Description
CaseCount (Integer) Number of Cases belonging to the Variation.
Cases (Case*) Cases that belong to the Variation.
EventTypeCount (Integer) Number of Events in the Variation.
EventTypes (EventType*) EventTypes belonging to the Variation.
Flows (Flow*) Flows that belong to the Variation.
Id (Integer) Variation Id. It's generated by QPR ProcessAnalyzer when the model is loaded.
UniqueEventTypeCount (Integer) Number of different (unique) EventTypes in the Variation.
Variation functions Parameters Description
  1. ConformanceModel
  2. Parameters

Same as the IsConformant function for Case objects, but the check is done for the Variation.


Let("cm", ConformanceModelFromXml(xml));
Let("el", EventLogById(1));
Let("vars", OrderByDescending(EventLogById(1).Variations, CaseCount));
  +" * "
    ? " ("
  +": "+StringJoin("->",EventTypes.Name))

Returns: A simple report containing a line for each variation (in filter having id 1) showing also whether the variation conforms with the model (in xml variable) or not and if not, gives some information on why the conformance check failed for that variation.
IsConformant (Boolean)
  1. ConformanceModel
  2. Parameters

Same as the IsConformant function for Case objects, but the check is done for the Variation.


Let("el", EventLogById(1));
Count(el.Variations.Where(IsConformant(cm))) / Count(el.Variations)

Returns: Proportion of conforming variations in event log created for filter with id 1.

Other objects


DateTime represents a timestamp.

DateTime properties Description
Day (Integer) The day of the calendar month represented by the DateTime. Number between 1 and 31.
Hour (Integer) The hour component of the date represented by the DateTime. Number between 0 and 23.
Millisecond (Integer) The millisecond component of the date represented by the DateTime. Number between 0 and 999.
Minute (Integer) The minute component of the date represented by the DateTime. Number between 0 and 59.
Month (Integer) The calendar month component of the date represented by the DateTime. Number between 1 and 12.
Second (Integer) The second component of the date represented by the DateTime. Number between 0 and 59.
Ticks (Integer) Number of ticks represented by the DateTime. A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second. There are 10,000 ticks in a millisecond, or 10 million ticks in a second.
Year (Integer) The year component of the date represented by the DateTime. Number between 1 and 9999.
DateTime functions Parameters Description
Round (DateTime)
  • TimeSpan or Integer

Rounds given date time by given TimeSpan or given number of seconds.


Round to the nearest hour:
Round(DateTime(2017, 1, 1, 14, 48), TimeSpan(0, 1))

DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).Round(10)
Returns: DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10)

DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).Round(TimeSpan(1))
Returns: DateTime(2017, 1, 2)
Truncate (DateTime)
  • Period (String)

Truncates given DateTime value to given precision. Truncating means that the provided DateTime (i.e. timestamp) is converted into a timestamp representing the beginning of the period. For example, if period is year, the Truncate function returns the first date of the year where the input DateTime is belonging. Truncate function is useful e.g. when dimensioning data into different periods.

Supported precision values are: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.


DateTime(2018, 5, 14, 3, 4, 5).Truncate("year")
Returns: DateTime(2018)

DateTime(2018, 5, 20, 3, 4, 5).Truncate("quarter")
Returns: DateTime(2018, 4, 1)

DateTime(2019, 8, 14, 3, 4, 5).Truncate("day")
Returns: DateTime(2019, 8, 14)

DateTime(2019, 8, 14, 3, 4, 5).Truncate("hour")
Returns: DateTime(2019, 8, 14, 3)


Dictionary properties Description
Count (Integer) Returns the number of elements stored into this dictionary.
Keys Returns the array of all the keys in this dictionary.
Values Returns the array of all the values in this dictionary.

Dictionary Functions Parameters Description

Adds possibly multiple values into the dictionary. 2. Parameters: 2.1. Takes even number of parameters, where: 2.1.1. Every odd parameter represents key. 2.1.2. Every even parameter represents the value to be added for the preceding key. 3. Returns the dictionary itself. 3.1. Will throw an exception if a value with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "b", 2).(Get("a") + Get("b"))
Returns: 3

ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "a", 2).Get("a")
Throws an exception.

1. Check whether given key exists in the dictionary. 2. Parameters: 2.1. key: Key to search for. 3. Returns true only if there is a stored value for given key.

Examples: ToDictionary().Set("a", 1).ContainsKey("a") Returns: True

ToDictionary().Set("a", 1).ContainsKey("b") Returns: False


1. Get the value associated with the given key from the dictionary. 2. Parameters: 2.1. key: Key to search for. 3. Returns the value associated with the key in the dictionary 3.1. Will throw an exception if there is no value associated with the given key in the dictionary.

Examples: ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).Get("b") Returns: 2

ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).Get("c") Throws an exception.


1. Removes value of given key from the dictionary. 2. Parameters: 2.1. key: Key to remove. 3. Returns true only if the a value associated with given key was found and successfully removed from the dictionary.

Examples: ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).Remove("b") Returns: True

ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).Remove("c") Returns: False

Let("dictionary", ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2)); dictionary.Remove("b"); dictionary.Keys Returns: ["a"]


1. Sets possibly multiple values into the dictionary. 1.1. Will overwrite any possible earlier values the key had in the dictionary. 2. Parameters: 2.1. Takes even number of parameters, where: 2.1.1. Every odd parameter represents key. 2.1.2. Every even parameter represents the value to be set for the preceding key. 3. Returns the dictionary itself.

Examples: ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).(Get("a") + Get("b")) Returns: 3

ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "a", 2).Get("a") Returns: 2


1. Converts dictionary object into a hierarchical array (#29290#). 2. Parameters: 3. Returns the dictionary object converted into a hierarchical array.

Examples: ToDictionary().ToArray() Returls: []

ToDictionary().Add("a", 1, "b", 2).ToArray() Returns: [ "a": [1], "b": [2] ]


1. Tries to get the value associated with the given key from the dictionary. 2. Parameters: 2.1. key: Key to search for. 3. Returns 3.1. If the key was found in the dictionary, returns the value associated with the key in the dictionary. 3.2. Otherwise, returns _empty (#27681#).

Examples: ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).TryGetValue("b") Returns: 2

ToDictionary().Set("a", 1, "b", 2).TryGetValue("c") Returns: _empty


Expression is an object type that encapsulates a KPI expression language expression. Expression inside expression object can be evaluated by using the expression object as if it was a function by using <expression object name>(<parameter list>) syntax. Expression objects can be created in the following ways:

  • Using Def function
  • Whenever & prefix is used in Def function for an attribute


Def(null, "a", "b", a+b)._(1,2)
Returns: 3

[Def("", "a", "b", a+b), Def("", "a", "b", a*b)].(_(1,2))
Returns: [3, 2]


String properties Description

Return the number of characters in the input string. Example:

Returns: 4.

Returns: 0.
String functions Parameters Description
  • Index number (Integer)

Return a character (as a String) in the index number position in the input string. The indexing starts from zero. Negative index numbers are not allowed.


Returns: "e"

"test".For("i", 0, i < Length, i + 1, CharAt(i))
Returns: ["t", "e", "s", "t"]
  • searched string

Returns true if the input string contains the searched string; otherwise false. String comparison is case sensitive. Example:

Returns: true
  • searched string

Return true if the input string ends with the searched string; otherwise false. String comparison is case sensitive.

Returns: true
  • searched string
  • start index (Integer) (optional)

Return the index number of the first occurrence of the searched string in the input string. Indexing starts from zero. If the start index is provided, the search is started from that index. The function returns -1 if match is not found.

The start index is optional. Invalid start index is negative or more than input string length.


Returns: 0

"test".IndexOf("t", 1)
Returns: 3
  • searched string
  • start index (Integer)

Return the index number of the last occurrence of the searched string in the input string. Indexing starts from zero. If the start index is provided, the search is started from that index (calculated from the start of the string) towards the beginning of the string. Return -1 if match not found. Invalid start index is negative or more than input string length.

  • first string
  • second string

Replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string in the input string. String comparison is case sensitive.


"abcd".Replace("b", "e") 
Returns: "aecd"
  • Split character (string or string array)
  • Remove empties (Boolean) (optional)

Splits input string into array of substrings. The string is splitted based on a character or array of characters (that are provided as strings). String comparison is case sensitive.

When remove empties parameter is true, empty strings are excluded (by default false).


Returns: [1,2,3]

"a,b,,c".Split(",", true)
Returns: ["a","b","c"]

Returns: ["a","b","","c"]
  • searched string

Return true if the input string starts with the searched string; otherwise false. String comparison is case sensitive.

Returns: true
  • start index (Integer)
  • length (Integer) (optional)

Returns a substring of the input string starting from the start index. If the length is provided, the returned string contains maximum of that number of characters. Invalid start index is negative or more than input string length. Invalid length is negative or start index plus length is more then input string length.

ToLower [none] Return a string where all the characters of the input string have been converted to lower case characters.
Returns: "test"
ToUpper [none] Return a string where all the characters of the input string have been converted to upper case characters.
  • string or arrays of strings (optional)

Removes spaces from the start and end of the input string (if array of strings is not provided). If the array of strings is provided, all leading and trailing characters in the array of strings are removed from the input string. Accepts also a single string in which case it is treated as if an array containing only that string was given as parameter.


" Test".Trim() 
Returns: "Test"

"Test".Trim(["T", "t"])
Returns: "es"

Returns: "Tes"


TimeSpan represents a time interval (duration of time or elapsed time) that is measured as a positive or negative number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second. The TimeSpan is not bound to calendar time, so a TimeSpan can be used to represent the time of day, but only if the time is unrelated to a particular date.

Difference between two TimeStamps is TimeSpan. TimeStamp added by TimeSpan is TimeStamp.

Minimum possible value of a TimeSpan is -10 675 199 days 2 hours 48 minutes 5.4775808 seconds and maximum possible value is 10 675 199 days 2 hour 48 minutes 5.4775807 seconds.

TimeSpan properties Description
Ticks (Integer) Number of ticks represented by the TimeSpan. A single tick represents one hundred nanoseconds or one ten-millionth of a second. There are 10,000 ticks in a millisecond, or 10 million ticks in a second.
TotalDays (Float) TimeSpan value in days (one day is 24 hours) (both whole and fractional).
TotalHours (Float) TimeSpan value in hours (both whole and fractional).
TotalMilliseconds (Float) TimeSpan value in milliseconds (both whole and fractional).
TotalMinutes (Float) TimeSpan value in minutes (both whole and fractional).
TotalSeconds (Float) TimeSpan value in seconds (both whole and fractional).