QPR ProcessAnalyzer Chart

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The ChartView allows the creation of customized charts to answer specific business needs, with measures and dimensions the user has selected. If you edit this view, make sure that the ChartView panel is placed on top of the QPR ProcessAnalyzer panel (you can do this by having the ChartView panel the last panel that you have moved), so that the BPMN editor is shown correctly.

ChartView allows configurable objects, such as cases, events, event types or flows, to be divided into configurable dimensions and calculable values (KPIs). In a basic form, the result of this analysis is a table with the following columns: (1) One column for each specified dimension, and (2) at least one column for each specified value. The result of this analysis is a table with one row for each unique dimension value combination.

Adding ChartView to View Designer Toolbar

It's possible to have a ChartView panel as a presentation object in the left side toolbar on the View Designer:

To have the ChartView panel on the View Designer toolbar:

  1. Have the PA_SERVICE_LOCATION setting defined in the QPR UI database.
  2. Place a panel with identifier "ChartView" in the "/QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI" folder:

ChartView is a versatile charting component for different visualizations and KPI calculations. ChartView is based on the following steps:

  1. Choose objects to visualize, e.g. cases, events, event types or variations.
  2. Choose how to slice (or dimension) the data into part, e.g. by attributes (regions, products), by durations or by dates (months, quarters).
  3. Choose measures/KPI's to be calculated for each dimension. Measure could be e.g. number of items, average duration, or cost.

General Settings

  • Visualization:
  • Stacking/% Stacking:
  • Polar Chart:
  • Show Data Labels:
  • Analyze:
  • Analyzed Items as List:
  • Sorting:
  • Maximum Rows:
  • Group Rows Exceeding Maximum:
  • Title:
  • Subtitle:

Measures, Dimensions and Columns

When dimensioning is used, measures and dimensions can be chosen. In dimensioning is not used, columns can be chosen.

Filtering Settings

Filters can be applied on two levels:

  • For the entire dashboard: Dashboard filters are applied to all charts in the dashboard and they are visible in the main header.
  • For a single chart only: Chart filters are applied only to a single chart. Filters for a chart can be viewed and edited in the chart settings.

Chart filters and behavior for the chart filtering is defined in the Filter tab having the following settings:

  • Chart Follows Dashboard Filters: When checked, the chart is filtered by the filters in the dashboard. When unchecked, the chart is not affected by filters in the dashboard, and thus the chart is based on data in the entire model.
  • Create Filters from Chart: When checked, filters can be created based on selected items in the chart. When unchecked, filters are not created when clicking the chart.
  • Update Filter During Selection:
  • Chart Filter:

Advanced Settings

  • Visible Case Attributes:
  • Visible Event Attributes:
  • Visible Event Types:
  • Update Chart When Changing Settings
  • Edit Custom Layout:
  • Edit On-screen Settings