QPR TaskRecorder

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QPR TaskRecorder is a desktop application, that records actions done by the user. The actions can be for example mouse clicks, key presses, ui elements focusing, button clicks, selections and text input.

QPR TaskRecorder installation

QPR TaskRecorder is a desktop application for Windows operating systems

  1. Download the QPR TaskRecorder in the downloads section.
  2. Extract the zip package to a suitable location, for example: C:\Program Files\QPR TaskRecorder.
  3. Configure the QPR TaskRecorder

Starting QPR TaskRecorder

QPR TaskRecorder can be started simply by double-clicking the TaskRecorder.exe file.

Using TaskRecorder

The main dialog of QPR TaskRecorder contains a table of all currently open applications. You can choose which applications are recorded from the checkboxes. Each application is listed only ones, and when checked, all running instances of the application are recorded. E.g. there may several Word files open at the same time and all are recorded.

When open, QPR TaskRecorder is all the time active and records the selected applications. If there is an error situation, e.g., the CSV file is reserved by another application, the Status field shows the situation

Adding Annonations

User can add manual annotations during the task recording, to help analyzing the recorded UI events. An annotation is added by writing the annotation text to the Annonation textbox and clicking the Save annotation button.

QPR TaskRecorder configuration

QPR TaskRecorder has configuration file appsettings.json containing the following settings:

  • OutputFile: The CSV file containing the recorded events.
  • LogFile: Application log file of QPR TaskRecorder. When set, the application logging is enabled.

Recorded UI events

QPR TaskRecorder is able to record the following types of UI events:

Column name Description
USER_ANNOTATION User annotation event occurs when user creates an annotation event using the QPR TaskRecorder user interface.
CONFIGURATION Configuration change event occurs when user changes the recorded applications.

Recorded tasks CSV

The user actions are recorded to a CSV file, that is stored to the user own Documents (by default when no other location is set) or a some other location user has specified. The default name of the CSV file is taskrecorder.csv. The CSV file can be uploaded to QPR ProcessAnalyzer for the analysis like any CSV file.

The CSV file has the following columns:

Column name Description
TimeStamp This information is stored for all types of events.
UserName GUID identifying the user performing the tasks. GUID is used instead of real user name to anonymize the real user. QPR TaskRecorder generates this GUID if it hasn't previously been done for this installation. This information is stored for all types of events.
SessionId GUID identifying the recording session, which starts when QPR TaskRecorder starts and ends when QPR TaskRecorder is closed. This information is stored for all types of events.
EventType This information is stored for all types of events.

Anonymized user id

User performing the tasks is identified by an anonymized user id, so persons analyzing the task log cannot identify the actual user based on the user id. When QPR TaskRecorder starts, it checks if the settings file exists in the user's application data folder, and the settings file contains user id. If the user id does not exist, a new GUID is created and saved to the user settings file.

QPR TaskRecorder logging

QPR TaskRecorder is able to write a logfile of its operation. Note that the logfile is different than the recorded UI events. The location of the log file is set in the QPR TaskRecorder configuration file. If no log file location is set, no logging is done. The log file contain information about QPR TaskRecorder application functionality and application errors.