Filter Selectors
Filter selectors are an easy way to add and change filter rules in a dashboard. If certain filters are commonly changed when using a dashboard, it's recommended to add a filter selector to the dashboard for that type of filter. There are filter selectors available for case attribute values and event filtering by event types.
When values are selected in the dropdown list, a corresponding filter rule is created and it's visible in the dashboard header. The list and the filter rule are kept in synchronization, i.e., when the list is changed, the filter rule is updated, and when the filter rule is changed in the dashboard header, the list updates accordingly.
Case attribute filter selector
Case attribute filter selector has the following settings:
- Case attribute: Select the case attribute the dropdown list is bound to.
- Title: Defines a custom title for the dropdown list, if the case attribute name as the default title is not sufficient.
- Link to Dashboard filter: When unchecked, selecting values from the list creates a filter rule that is visible in the dashboard header. When checked, selecting values from the list creates a hidden filter rule that is not shown in the dashboard header. In the former case, the filter rule is applied to the Filter variable, and in the latter case it's applied to the DashboardFilter variable.
- Chart filter: Optional filter rules applied to the shown values in the list. This filter can be used to limit which values are available in the list and how the shown case counts are calculated.
- Maximum rows: Maximum number of rows shown by the list. If there are more values available than this limit, clicking the list opens a search dialog instead which can be used to search any of the available values (even if there are millions of values). Usually, when there are small number of values to choose from, the dropdown list is the easiest to use. When there are lot of values, it's not practical to show them all in the dropdown list and thus the search dialog becomes useful.
- Layout settings
In addition, there are the layout settings available.
Event type filter selector
Event type filter selector is used to select the filtered event types. There are the same settings available as in the Case attribute filter selector, (except the case attribute selection is not applicable). The type of filter created is the include event types (note that the include cases by occurring event types is a different type of filter rule).