Next Release Content

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This page contains preliminary information about new features and fixed issues in the next release.

New features in next release

  • B-08418: QPR ProcessAnalyzer has been integrated into Snowflake authentication for Snowpark Container Services.
  • B-08420: Legacy "Local" datatables cannot be created anymore - only separate SQL Server database is supported.
  • B-08437: Snowflake cache is now bypassed for queries that have caching disabled.
  • B-08443: Improved object-centric models performance by optimizing perspective generation.
  • B-08477: Backend components have been updated.
  • B-08458: Object-centric perspectives can be stored as filters and object-centric model can be selected for dashboard.
  • B-08450: Updated Snowflake UDF's python version from 3.8 to 3.11.
  • B-08425: Migrated nine configuration data tables to use Entity Framework.
  • B-08334: Remove legacy functionality related to models.

Issues fixed in next release

  • D-14250: "Show in Query Designer" button didn't show full query sent to server.
  • D-14259: Removed malfunctioning undo/redo operations from Design diagram.
  • D-14260: Design diagram toolbar incorrectly scrolled to left when diagram was zoomed.
  • D-14257: Exporting datatable with no columns froze loading spinner.
  • D-14188: Script incorrectly aborted after error occurring in the import phase of client-side import.
  • D-14262: Opening version information caused javascript error if backend communication failed.
  • D-14263: Filtering with case id caused error when Snowflake model didn't have case attributes datatable.
  • D-14271: None aggregation didn't work with some Statistical calculations.
  • D-14251: Aggregations list in Combined measure/dimension/column incorrectly showed aggregations for all data types.
  • D-14256: Workspace showed progress spinner forever if trying to remove rows from table where there is no access.
  • D-14275: Several "Loop percentage" event measures caused flowchart error.
  • D-14278: Workspace models list showed linked cases/events datatable even though datatable didn't exist.
  • D-14285: Non-breaking spaces didn't work in json fields.

Features under work

  • B-08337: Remove legacy functionality related to roles.
  • B-08430: Improved Snowflake flowchart performance by calculating variations using sampling.
  • B-08446: Snowflake application package can be created for QPR ProcessAnalyzer.
  • B-08449: Snowflake Native App supports project-specific database and schema.
  • B-08452: Limit number of sampled cases to 10000 in in-memory and Snowflake clustering presets.
  • B-08456: Frontend components have been updated.
  • B-08472: Snowflake filter cache tables are now created in background to improve performance.

Fixes under work

  • D-14280: Dashboard component stacking order buttons didn't work if dashboard had z-indeces with gaps.
  • D-14283: BPMN editor toolbox has now correct font.

Note: Features and fixes currently under work are not necessarily targeting to the next release.