Create Predicted Eventlog
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Following prerequisites need to be fullfilled to run the eventlog prediction:
- QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2024.2 or later
- Snowflake is configured
- Source model is stored to Snowflake
Prediction installation
Follow these steps to install the eventlog prediction:
- Create a Snowflake-managed stage with name PREDICTION to the same schema that is configured for QPR ProcessAnalyzer (in the Snowflake connection string).
- Open the created stage and upload the predict.pyz file to the stage (ask the file from your QPR representative).
- Create the procedure procedure to the same schema.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE QPRPA_SP_PREDICTION("CONFIGURATION" OBJECT) RETURNS OBJECT LANGUAGE PYTHON STRICT RUNTIME_VERSION = '3.8' PACKAGES = ('nltk','numpy','pandas==1.5.3','scikit-learn','snowflake-snowpark-python','tensorflow','dill','prophet','holidays==0.18','python-kubernetes','docker-py') HANDLER = 'main' EXECUTE AS OWNER AS ' import sys def main(session, parameters_in: dict) -> dict: session.file.get(''@prediction/predict.pyz'', ''/tmp'') sys.path.append(''/tmp/predict.pyz'') import predict return predict.main(session, parameters_in) ';
- awef