Activate QPR ProcessAnalyzer using ActivationUtility
If there is no internet connection in the computer where QPR ProcessAnalyzer Server is installed, you need to use this alternative activation method. The files required in this activation method can be requested from
1. In the Qpr.ProcessAnalyzer.ActivationUtility.exe.config file there are some pre-filled settings which should not be changed, but fill in at least your First Name, Last Name, Email, and ProductActivationCode settings:
<setting name="FirstName" serializeAs="String"><value>YourFirstName</value></setting> <setting name="LastName" serializeAs="String"><value>YourLastName</value></setting> <setting name="Email" serializeAs="String"><value></value></setting> <setting name="ProductActivationCode" serializeAs="String"><value>your-product-activation-code-here</value></setting>
2. Define also the LicenseFilePath setting. This can be any path on the server and any file name. The user must have read access to the specified folder on the server and the folder must be created if it doesn't already exist. After a successful activation, the license file will be placed to the defined folder, e.g.:
<setting name="LicenseFilePath" serializeAs="String"><value>C:\QPR Software\QPR ProcessAnalyzer\License\pa_service.lf</value></setting>
In case the LicenseFilePath setting isn't defined. The license file will be created to C:\QPR Software\QPR ProcessAnalyzer\License\ by default.
3. Place the pre-filled Qpr.ProcessAnalyzer.ActivationUtility.exe.config file, and the Qpr.ProcessAnalyzer.ActivationUtility.exe, KEYLIB32.dll, KEYLIB64.dll, Qpr.ProcessAnalyzer.Common.Activation.dll, and Qpr.Utils.dll files into some directory on the server machine.
4. Open command prompt (as Administrator), go to the directory where you placed the files in the previous step, and run the Qpr.ProcessAnalyzer.ActivationUtility.exe file. The Activation Utility will return the activation data which you will need to send to
5. You will receive an email from with the activation message. Copy this activation message to the configuration file and run the Activation Utility again. If you didn't add a path and/or change the license file name in the LicenseFilePath setting earlier, the pa_service.lf license file will be created to the directory containing the Qpr.ProcessAnalyzer.ActivationUtility.exe file. If you did define the LicenseFilePath, the license file will be created to the specified directory with the specified file name.
6. In the QPR ProcessAnalyzer Service installation directory, edit the Web.config file and define the LicenseFilePath value to point to the license file that was created in the previous step, e.g.:
<setting name="LicenseFilePath" serializeAs="String"><value>C:\Path\To\License\File\pa_service.lf</value></setting>
7. Start QPR ProcessAnalyzer Service. The activation status will be written to the service log file that is defined by the LogFilePath setting in the web.config file. If the LogFilePath setting isn't defined, the log file won't be created.