Process Mining Concepts

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Within the analysis views, the items that are looked at are:

  • Cases: Individual events form a case. There can be several events logged in a system that are included to one case.
  • Events: Consists of an Event Type and the transition to another Event Type. Therefore includes a time component.
  • Event Types: The individual activities or organizations that are named in the process flow chart.

In QPR ProcessAnalyzer, Cases are sequences of Events. The Events have types (Event Types) which give a label to the activity in a process. Each event occurs at some specific time, thus, a time stamp is required (resolution may be from a fraction of seconds to days). In QPR ProcessAnalyzer, a Variation consists of Cases that contain same number and type of events in the very same order – the only difference between the cases within a Variation are the time stamps. The start and end times and the time lags between events may differ.

While Cases and Events render the process “skeleton” (what and when), the Attributes tell some further information on process (by whom, how much, what type,..). Case Attributes and Event Attributes being additional information, they are not necessary for rendering a process (Flowchart or Path) but a successful analysis requires their usage. Case attributes give information on a Case, while event attributes apply only for a specific event. There are no set limits for the number of case or event attributes. 450334830010



An event is a change in the state of matters that has happened or is expected to happen, having a meaning in a particular context. The word event is also used to mean a software object inside a computer program that represents such an occurrence in a computing system, typically causing a state transition. An event does not have a duration. Durations are expressed in terms of the time between two events. An event typically signifies the beginning or completion of an activity or the state change of a business object. Process mining typically deals with these events. Relevant attributes of an event can be derived from the context and corresponding activity. Mandatory attributes for an event include a timestamp and an identifier associating it with a process case. Several optional attributes can be identified, depending on the context, for example:

  • Person and work role that triggered the event
  • Location where it was done
  • Cost incurred by the event
  • Work effort expended
  • Environmental conditions
  • Any activity specific factor that might affect the outcome

A process case may contain different types of events. Each event type has a special meaning related to the particular activity and business object state transition it is associated with.

In computerized or digital transaction systems, event logs typically contain the end events only and the start events of activities are not necessarily recorded. Durations are calculated from the time between the end events. Flows are used to represent both the causality and the duration.

Event type

An activity is the basic building block of a process model. All human work is modeled as being performed within activities. An activity is executed by a work role. The purpose of an activity is to produce value adding output. Input from preceding activities and output to succeeding activities are provided in the form of business objects in well-defined states. In a digitalized business process, execution of an activity results in changing the state of business objects.

An activity has a duration, and there may be waiting time or slack between the end of an activity and the start of the next activity.


Process variations (or variants) divide a set of process cases into non-overlapping partitions based on their unique configuration of events, flows, and execution path they have taken. All cases in a variation have the same sequence of events and flows. The durations between the events may be different, though.


In process mining context, a flow represents an identified causal relationship between state changes in a process model or business object. Typically, it signifies the transition from one state to the next state of a transaction. The duration of a flow is defined as the time between the events it connects. Note that in process mining, the analyst may choose the events included in the analysis using selection and filtering features of the tool, and the flows will be identified based on the included events only. In terms of a sate model, this equals to skipping uninteresting intermediate states in favor of a simpler or more focused analysis model.

Flow occurrence is a historical fact or actual instance of a flow. A timestamp and identifiers of the related events are needed for distinct identification. Note that the flow occurrence is an artificial concept. It is the events that actually occur, and the flow is just a relationship between the events.

Flow occurrence


Case attribute

Cases usually have additional information related to it. For example, a case in a sales process might have customer, region, sales revenue, sold items as case attributes. In QPR ProcessAnalyzer case attributes are stored to a datatable, where there is a row for each case and column for each case attributes. Case attributes may have different data types depending on the data, such as string, integer, decimal number, date, boolean or duration.

Event attribute


In an organizational context, a process is the way that people work together and apply methods and tools, to accomplish predefined common objectives. The objectives include the value that the output of the process is expected to produce to its stakeholders. A process model is an abstraction representing a process. It is the organization of work in terms of a functionally cohesive or causally connected set of activities triggered by a common event, executed by work roles, and creating or altering the state of some business object(s). A process case is a particular execution instance or an execution trace of a process. In process modeling context, a simple case contains a linear sequence of activities. A more complex case may contain parallel execution paths. In process mining context, the case contains only the end events of activities, not the activities themselves. Relevant attributes of a process case depend on the context. They apply to a case and the contained events as a whole. For example, in insurance claims processing, relevant case attributes could include:

  • Customer
  • Insurance policy
  • Vehicle registration id
  • Location of accident
  • Claims handler

Every case attribute has a type, which defines what kind of data can be represented by the attribute, for example:

  • Integer
  • Logical truth (TRUE or FALSE)
  • Date and time

Among different process categories, transactional processes are of particular interest, for example:

  • Purchase-to-pay
  • Quote-to-cash
  • Request-to-resolution
  • Idea-to-product



Figure 1: Basic elements Process Mining
Figure 2: Flow and duration in typical business process models
Figure 3: Flow and duration in event log based process mining
Figure 4: A transaction business object and the corresponding state model.