Case Level Permissions

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In addition to project level permissions, it's possible to set case level permissions for models, where visibility can be defined for each case separately based on rules. Usually the rules are based on the case attribute values. Case level permissions are effective for all users, but users who have the GenericWrite permission, can change the case permissions setting for a model and thus also change the case permissions.


Case level permissions are configured in the model properties in the Details tab. The following settings are available:

  • Initialization expression: Expression that is run only once and can be used as initializing needed objects. This expression can be used to improve performance when part of the Case or EventLogKey expressions are common and thus they don't need to be calculated again for every Case separately.
  • Permissions expression: Expression determining which cases the accessing user can see. The expression is evaluated for each case (in the case context). If the evaluation results true, the case is visible for the user; otherwise not. The evaluation is done when no existing eventlog if found based on the Eventlog key and a new eventlog needs to be generated. This expression is mandatory for the case level permissions to work
  • Eventlog key: Expression used to generate a uniquely identifying string for the eventlogs when the case level permissions are in use. If a cached eventLog with the same key already exists in the system, that eventlog is used instead of creating a new.

Configuration examples

In this example, visibility of cases is limited in a way that only those users can see the cases belonging to a user group which name is same as the Region (case attribute).

  • Initialization expression: Let("groupNames", OrderByValue(CurrentUser.GroupNames))
  • Permissions expression: Region.In(groupNames)
  • Eventlog key: StringJoin("_", groupNames)

In this example, cases are only visible for users whose user name is same as the Account Manager (case attribute):

  • Initialization expression: let userName = CurrentUser.Name
  • Permissions expression: Attribute("Account Manager") == userName
  • Eventlog key: CurrentUser.Id

In this example, cases having "Region" case attribute of "Dallas" will only be visible for users belonging to user group "GroupA" (and "New York" for group "GroupB"):

  • Initialization expression: let groupNames = CurrentUser.GroupNames;
  • Permissions expression: (Region == "Dallas" && "GroupA".In(groupNames)) || (Region == "New York" && "GroupB".In(groupNames))
  • Eventlog key: If("GroupA".In(groupNames), "_A", "_") + If("GroupB".In(groupNames), "_B", "_")


Case level permissions can be implemented with the principle illustrated in the image below. Users already belong to certain groups in the user management, and cases have certain case attribute values which is part of the loaded process mining data. Additionally, the linkage between case attribute values (of a certain case attribute) and groups needs to be defined when this security feature is configured. The image below illustrates the chain between users and cases, how certain users are able to see certain cases when viewing analyses from a QPR ProcessAnalyzer model.


Example: There are groups G1, G2 and G3. Case permissions have been set as follows:

  • group G1 can only see cases where (case attribute) Region is Dallas
  • group G2 can only see cases where Region is Austin
  • group G3 can only see cases where Region is either Austin or New York

QPR ProcessAnalyzer model contains the following cases:

Case name Region (case attribute) Groups can see
A Dallas G1
B Dallas G1
C Austin G2, G3
D New York G3
E New York G3
F New York G3

Thus, when viewing analyses, a user see that the model contains the following cases:

  • If the user belongs to group G1 only, the user can see cases A and B (2 cases)
  • If the user belongs to group G2 only, the user can see case C (1 case)
  • If the user belongs to group G3 only, the user can see cases C, D, E and F (4 cases)
  • If the user belongs to groups G1 and G2 only, the user can see cases A, B and C (3 cases)

There is no way for a user to be aware of the existence of cases that the user doesn't have rights to.