Exporting and Importing Data in QPR ProcessAnalyzer

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Importing and Exporting .pacm Files

QPR ProcessAnalyzer models can be exported into .pacm files. A single .pacm file contains one model including the following data:

  • Case and Event attributes in the model.
  • Views and Bookmarks for which the user doing the export has at least View rights.
  • Model specific user rights.

If importing a model from a .pacm file to the same database from which the model was exported, all data in the .pacm file is imported.

If importing to a different database than from which the model was exported, the following restrictions exist:

  • Imported Views and Bookmarks are restricted to those that were made by the user that exported the model.
  • Model specific user rights are imported if the same UserID-Username combination exists in the target database.
  • Users with <All> Administrator rights in the source database aren't given any access rights to the model in the target database unless they also have model specific access rights in the source database, in which case only these model specific access rights are copied.

For .pacm files created in QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2014.1 (and earlier versions of QPR ProcessAnalyzer), attribute values are not supported in bookmarks but from QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2014.2 onwards, they are supported.

Note that the export format has changed in QPR ProcessAnalyzer version 2014.2 and this format is not supported in previous versions. Thus, you cannot import a model exported from QPR ProcessAnalyzer version 2014.2 to an earlier version of QPR ProcessAnalyzer.

Importing .xes Files

When importing a .xes file, QPR ProcessAnalyzer interprets the file as an eXtensible Event Stream standard file and handles the file contents as follows:

  • Trace entities are imported as cases
    • The immediate child entity of trace entity having "concept:name" as the value of key-attribute is imported as the name of the imported case.
    • Using all the other values not listed above, but listed as keys under the <global> entity having "case" as scope are imported as case attributes.
  • Event entities (immediate child entities of trace entities) are imported as events.
    • The immediate child entity of event entity having "concept:name" as the value of key-attribute is imported as the identifier of the event type for the imported event.
    • The value of an immediate child entity of event entity having "time:timestamp" as the value of key-attribute is imported as the timestamp for the imported event.
    • The value of an immediate child entity of event entity having "lifecycle:transition" as the value of key-attribute is imported as the suffix used for event type identifier for the imported event.
      • If "lifecycle:transition" is defined, the format of the event type identifier will be "<concept:name> - <lifecycle:transition>"
      • If "lifecycle:transition" is defined for an event but "concept:name" is not defined, "lifecycle:transition" will be used as the name of the event type.
    • Using all the other values not listed above, but listed as keys under the <global> entity having "event" as scope are imported event attributes.
  • All the values listed above support the following value types (also used as names of entities):
    • Date: the value will be converted into DateTime object type.
    • Boolean: the value will be converted into Boolean object type.
    • Int: the value will be converted into int (32 bit) -object type.
    • Float: the value will be converted into double object type using invariant culture.
    • Id: the value will be converted into GUID object type.
    • Any other value type will be converted into string object type using invariant culture.

Importing and Exporting Attributes

A model can have only 300 accessible case attributes or event attributes in QPR ProcessAnalyzer version 2014.2 onwards. If you import a model which has more than 300 attributes, all the attributes will be imported but you only have access to the first 300 attributes and thus only the first 300 can be used in analyses.

Note: When importing case attributes, if the name of the first column is "#Id#" then this column should contain case database ID's. Otherwise the contents of that column will be regarded as case names.

When exporting attributes, only the first 300 attributes are exported.

Importing Cost

During import, case or event cost values are converted to SQL FLOAT type. Cost needs to be numerical, so non-numeric values will be ignored. The column name for cost is 'cost'.

For Excel limitations that apply to cost, see Limitations to Numbers in Attribute Values.

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