QPR ProcessAnalyzer Table

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Table is a basic but versatile visualization for a flat dataset which is the data structure provided by the calculation.

Table functionalities

Table has the following functionalities:

  • Table shows rows in queried data as the table rows and dimensions/measures/columns as the table columns (in the order as they are defined and dimensions left of measures).
  • If there are dimensions/columns where corresponding filters can be created, clicking rows/cells creates the filter.
  • When there is maximum of one dimension/column defined, the table has row selection mode in use. When there are more than one dimension/column, cell selection mode is in use.
  • By default, there is the multi-selection in use (i.e. clicking keeps the previous selections). Single-selection can be applied with Ctrl key pressed. Range selection within a column can be used with Shift key.
  • Table rows can be sorted ascending or descending by columns. Multi-column sorting works with Ctrl key pressed.
  • Table columns can be reordered by dragging them from the header.
  • Table columns can be resized from the handle right side of the column header. The new widths are stored permanently to chart settings when the dashboard is saved.
  • Table can be filtered using the Excel-style column filtering, which is converted into model filter when the selection is confirmed. There are different filtering options available depending on the column type, e.g. for textual columns there are equals, not equals, starts with, ends with, contains and not contains filters, and for numerical columns there are equals, not equals, less than (or equals) and greater than (or equals) filters. In addition, greater and less than filters can be combined to have between filtering.
  • The table has an optional title above the table.
  • Table can be exported as Excel file and CSV file. Precise values of numbers and dates will go to the Excel file.
  • If there are more than 200 rows in the table, paging is enabled and footer for controlling paging is visible. The footer also has an option to change the number of rows per page.
  • Table supports the Custom Layout settings (options supported by Syncfusion) overriding the default settings set by the chart.
  • Columns can be hidden using the Hidden checkbox in the measure/dimension/column settings.
  • Text in a table cell can be set to be a web link to an external site (that opens to a new tab). The text will be the clickable link and clicking outside the text still makes model filter like without the web link.

Conditional formatting

Table conditional formatting can be used to define table cell background colors, text colors, colored icons and databar, where all depend on the data in the table. Conditional formattings are defined in the measure/dimension/column settings as JSON with following allowed properties:

  • backgroundColor
    • rules: Rules are checked in the defined order and the first matching determines the color.
      • color: color to use when the rule matches.
      • value: Value to compare against.
      • comparison: One of the following: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
    • scale
      • color: Color that corresponds with the value.
      • value: Value that corresponds with the color.
    • color: Fixed color that is used when no rules/scale is defined or there are no matching rules.
  • textColor: Same settings can be used as in the backgroundColor.
  • databar
    • min: Value that represents the databar minimum position (i.e. when databar is not visible).
    • max: Value that represents the databar maximum position (i.e. databar fills the whole cell).
    • value: Value where the databar width is based on. When not defined, the databar width is based on the data in the same cell.
    • color: Color of the databar. Default color is #4bc3ff.
  • icon
    • rules: Similar syntax can be used as in the color rules, except instead of "color" there is "icon" attribute to define the icon. All Google Material Icons are available: https://material.io/resources/icons/.
    • color: Color of the icon. Default color is #333333.

Rule value property and scale minimum and maximum can be defined:

  • fixed value, e.g. 5
  • aggregate of the same column data, e.g. { "aggregate": "max" }
  • aggregate of another column data, e.g. { "type": "measure", "index": 1, "aggregate": "max" }
  • refer to a cell value in other column in the same row, e.g. {"type": "measure", "index": 1 }

Available aggregations are: min, max, sum, average, median, first, last.

Conditional formatting examples

Below are listed the examples used in dashboards with their respective use cases and Conditional formatting expressions. The recommended colors and their color codes are as follows:

  • Green: #68DD8F (Positively correlating KPIs)
  • Red: #EF5254 (Negatively correlating KPIs)
  • Blue: #4BC3FF (Case/Event counts)
  • Dark blue: #0F55A5 (Automation)
  • Orange: #FEA88A (Durations)
  • Yellow: #FFD851 (Value/Cost)

Traffic lights

Use case: KPIs based on traffic light signaling


  "backgroundColor": {
    "rules": [
        "color": "#EF5254",
        "value": 10,
        "comparison": ">="
        "color": "#FFD851",
        "value": 6.5,
        "comparison": ">="
        "color": "#68DD8F"

Green databar

Use case: KPIs where 100% is a desired value, eg. On-Time Delivery


	"databar": {
		"min": 0,
		"max": 100,
		"color": {
			"scale": [
					"value": 0,
					"color": "#FFFFFF"
					"value": { "aggregate": "max" },
					"color": "#68DD8F"

Red databar

Use case: KPIs where 0% is the desired value and you want to highlight the worst performers of this metric, eg. Material shortages


	"databar": {
		"min": 0,
		"max": { "aggregate": "max" },
		"color": {
			"scale": [
					"value": 0,
					"color": "#FFFFFF"
					"value": { "aggregate": "max" },
					"color": "#EF5254"

Blue databar

Use cases: Case/event counts


	"databar": {
		"min": 0,
		"max": { "aggregate": "max" },
		"color": {
			"scale": [
					"value": 0,
					"color": "#FFFFFF"
					"value": { "aggregate": "max" },
					"color": "#4BC3FF"

Dark blue databar

Use case: Automation rate and similar metrics that scale 0-100%


	"databar": {
		"min": 0,
		"max": 100,
		"color": {
			"scale": [
					"value": 0,
					"color": "#FFFFFF"
					"value": { "aggregate": "max" },
					"color": "#7588C4"

Yellow databar

Usecase: Monetary KPIs such as cost/value


	"databar": {
		"min": 0,
		"max": { "aggregate": "max" },
		"color": {
			"scale": [
					"value": 0,
					"color": "#FFFFFF"
					"value": { "aggregate": "max" },
					"color": "#FFD851"

Orange scale

Use case: Durations


  "backgroundColor": {
    "scale": [
        "value": {"aggregate": "max" },
        "color": "#fea88a"
        "value": {"aggregate": "min" },
        "color": "#FBE8E6"

Other examples

Background color is based on a color scale where column minimum value zero gets color #FFFFFF and maximum value #FFD851. Color is scaled linearly between these colors.

	"backgroundColor": {
		"scale": [
				"value":  0,
				"color": "#FFFFFF"
				"value": { "aggregate": "max" },
				"color": "#FFD851"

Similar to previous example, except minimum and maximum values come from another column (measure number 1).

	"backgroundColor": {
		"scale": [
				"value": { "type":"measure", "index": 1, "aggregate": "min" },
				"color": "#FFFFFF"
				"value": { "type":"measure", "index": 1, "aggregate": "max" },
				"color": "#FFD851"

The following setting defines a fixed background color for a column.

	"backgroundColor": {
		"color": "#FFD851"

Background color code is taken from column measure 1 from the same row.

	"backgroundColor": {
		"color": {
		  "index": 1

Text color is #FF0000 if value is lower than 20, otherwise #00FF00.

	"textColor": {
		"rules": [
				"color": "#FF0000",
				"value": 20,
				"comparison": "<"
				"color": "#00FF00"

Creates a red-white-green color scale where the minimum value is red, the nominal value (eg. a target value) of 50 is white and maximum value is green.

  "backgroundColor": {
    "scale": [
        "value": { "aggregate": "min" },
        "color": "#EF5254"
        "value": 50,
        "color": "#FFFFFF"
        "value": { "aggregate": "max" },
        "color": "#68DD8F"

Background color uses a color scale where the colors are based on values in dimension index 2 (requires that the dimension contains numerical data). This conditional formatting can be applied to any column (also textual columns).

  "backgroundColor": {
    "value": {
      "type": "dimension",
      "index": 2
    "scale": [
        "value": 0,
        "color": "#FFFFFF"
        "value": {
          "type": "dimension",
          "index": 2,
          "aggregate": "max"
        "color": "#FFD851"

Adds an icon left of the value (icon sentiment_satisfied_alt if value is over 100 and otherwise sentiment_very_dissatisfied). Also icons have different colors.

	"icon": {
		"rules": [
				"icon": "sentiment_satisfied_alt",
				"value": 100,
				"comparison": ">"
		"icon": "sentiment_very_dissatisfied",
		"color": {
			"rules": [
					"color": "#68DD8F",
					"value": 100,
					"comparison": ">"
					"color": "#EF5254"