QPR ProcessAnalyzer Release Notes

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This page contains new features and fixed issues for each QPR ProcessAnalyzer release. For information on the compatibility of different versions, see Version Compatibility Information.

Next Release: QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.5 (planned release date 2020-07-07)

Build number: 2020.5.0.xxxxx, Model compatibility version: x, Database version: xx, PACM file version: x, Protocol version: xx.


  • The legacy models are not supported anymore, and they need to be migrated manually by users to new models (models that use datatables to store events and cases) before updating to QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.5. You can check the model type as follows: Open QPR ProcessAnalyzer Web UI, open the models dropdown list in the header, find a model, open Properties for the model, and go to the Datasources tab. If the Load from Database is yes, the model is a legacy model and requires a migration. The migration can be done by exporting the model as a .pacm file (in the Actions tab from model properties), and importing the file back using the Import Data functionality. It's also recommended to delete the legacy models. The eventlog data in the database is not yet removed in QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.5 and thus it's possible to rollback to QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.4 if needed. The eventlog data for legacy models will be removed in a future release to save space in the database.


  • 307774: Data import operation /api/importfile?{parameters}.
  • 307911: Remove IP address verification.
  • 307931: Expression language and performance improvements merged from Spark prototyping branch.
  • 307933: Change the default PA locking mode to ExclusiveLock from MinimalLock.

Fixed bugs:

  • 219372: CaseEvents preprocessing is missing when Case.LastEvent is run.
  • 219375: --#CallWebService doesn't work with Content-Type parameter.
  • 219357: UI is stuck in IdP login page when saml settings (e.g SAMLUserIdAttribute) is misconfigured.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.4 (release date 2020-05-26)

Build number: 2020.4.0.41643, Model compatibility version: 3, Database version: 71, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 33.


  • In QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.4, the deployment package dashboards come with the installation, so there is no deployment package anymore to be installed. The previous deployment package located in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI project can be deleted when 2020.4 is installed.
  • To fix bug Datetimes are incorrect in files exported from data grids (219377), data grid export service needs to be updated from version V001 to V002.
  • Bug workaround: In QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.4, dashboards containing the root causes analysis give an error message about invalid chart configuration. The problem can be fixed as follows: from the JSON text that appeared to the full screen text editor, make the following textreplacements: "Case Attribute" --> "Case attribute" and "Attribute Value" --> "Attribute value". Save the dashboard for the changes
  • For custom expressions in charts, to improve performance, it's recommended replace ??_remove with the RemoveNulls function. Example: Expression Average((_.Attribute("Cost")??_remove)._) can be changed to Average(RemoveNulls(_.Attribute("Cost"))).
  • For custom expressions in charts, to improve performance, it's recommended change expressions that make duration aggregations to work in a way that the aggregation is made before changing TimeSpans to integers (e.g. to days). Example: expression Average(_.Duration.TotalDays) can be changed to Average(_.Duration).TotalDays.


  • 307859: Deployment package dashboards are embedded to QPR ProcessAnalyzer release.
  • 307899: RemoveNulls function to remove null values from arrays.
  • 307915: Expression language improvements related to CSV file generation.
  • 307809: When dashboard is opened, editing mode is disabled when no rights to edit the dashboard.
  • 307829: Highcharts, Syncfusion, GoJS and some other components have been updated to their latest versions.
  • 307848: Component updates for building QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI.
  • 307882: JavaScript libraries are split into smaller files in release build.
  • 307932: Some PAPO buttons are removed from the tool palette.
  • 307912&307917: ChartView and main header improvements for 2020.4 (parts 1 and 2).

Fixed bugs:

  • 219365: Sometimes system stuck during the time models were being loaded into memory.
  • 219326&219377: Datetimes are incorrect in files exported from data grids (time zone difference) (See also the notes above).
  • 219378: ChartView resizing sometimes didn't work when using full screen.
  • 219371: Error messages have been improved for session expired and unknown error.
  • 219360: Some styles were defined twice in CSS.

Additional release for QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.3 (release date 2020-04-23)

Build number: 2020.3.0.41450, Model compatibility version: 3, Database version: 71, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 33.


  • 307902 ChartView improvements for 2020.3 hotfix: Custom expressions have by default datatype "auto", added support for binding to multi-select lists in Variable bindings, bugfix: Custom sorting didn't work in presets, bugfix: Aggregation method for Pivot table was not selected correctly.

Fixed bugs:

  • 219370: Dashboards could not be edited by other than administrators.
  • 219361: Flowchart sometimes crashed to ThrowKeyNotFoundException when pressing Root Causes button.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.3 (release date 2020-04-16)

Build number: 2020.3.0.41413, Model compatibility version: 3, Database version: 71, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 33.


  • Legacy Chart and Gauge presentation objects are removed from QPR ProcessAnalyzer (they are different than ChartView). If there are dashboards containing those types of presentation objects after updating to 2020.3, there will be a placeholder frame instead with an error message of a non-existing presentation object. To change the dashboard, remove those placeholders and replace with ChartViews. It's recommended to make the replacement to ChartViews before the update, because chart and gauge settings cannot be accessed anymore in 2020.3.
  • ChartView will change from an HTML presentation object to a native presentation object, which ensures that dashboards will work in future releases when the ChartView is evolving. ChartViews created with 2020.2 will be automatically migrated to the native ChartViews in 2020.3. ChartViews created with 2020.1 or earlier releases need to be updated manually by removing the ChartView from the dashboard and replacing it with a new ChartView.


  • 307849: Securely stored strings for passwords.
  • 307746: ChartView is now a native presentation object instead of an HTML presentation object. ChartView's made in 2020.2 are automatically converted to the native presentation objects.
  • 307880: When a datatable model is moved to another project, the linked datatables should also be moved to the project.
  • 307556: Functions to expression language to improve usability and performance: CaseCount, EventCount, EventCountByType and Round.
  • 307895: SQL scripting command for database commit.
  • 307850: Expression language performance improvement by a new way to calling functions and properties.
  • 307858: Expression language: Support for array operators.
  • 307845: Header buttons layout has been improved.
  • 307870: Preprocessings are determined automatically.
  • 307761: Functionality that user doesn't have access is now disabled in the dashboard designer and workspace to avoid access denied errors.
  • 307839: Generic chart and gauge presentation objects are removed.
  • 307863: Automatic redirection to SAML authentication.
  • 307872: API support for querying if SAML is configured.
  • 307846: Error message further improvements.
  • 307888: Error message text changes for Dashboard not found and Multiple dashboards found.
  • 307874 & 307887: ChartView and main header has been improved.

Fixed bugs:

  • 219341: Analysis function unnecessarily required FilterId parameter.
  • 219343: Root causes analysis gave access denied when using Analysis function.
  • 219348: Query cancellation caused database connection leakage.
  • 219332: "Thread was being aborted" returned to client while loading model from datatable.
  • 219321: Removed unnecessary error log lines "Missing expected HttpRequest X-Forwarded-For" that appeared even if UseXForwardedForAsClientIp=false.
  • 219335: [_remove ]._ or empty array is not handled correctly in a KPI dimension.
  • 219340: default.aspx does not work.
  • 219330: EditDashboards permission should be needed for target project when moving dashboards between projects.
  • 219347: Queries done by the main header were cancelled when view is changed.
  • 219355: Expression language: Was unable to use properties of the parent context in dictionary initialization.
  • 219346: PAPO flowchart should have by default median duration shown on flows and flow counts hidden.
  • 219333: PAPO generated incorrect filter JSON and unnecessary query.
  • 219311: When opened a view by identifier, the view was fetched twice from the server.
  • 219329: Unnecessary information was stored in database for dashboard definitions.
  • 219362: Issues with session expiration checks.
  • 219364: Session expiration with SAML authentication configured gives incorrect error message.
  • 219344: Case count view in model manager header and Home view can cause unwanted model loading.
  • 219242: Flowchart is not updated correctly after event type filtering.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.2 (release date 2020-03-09)

Build number: 2020.2.0.41129, Model compatibility version: 3, Database version: 67, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 33.


  • Expression language has now a conditional operator "if" and variable declaration operator "let". In earlier QPR ProcessAnalyzer versions, the expression language had functions If and Let which earlier could also be written in lowercase (i.e. "if" and "let"). Starting from QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.2, the lowercase versions refer to the conditional and variable declaration operators, and the uppercase versions refer to the corresponding functions. If there are expressions containing "If" and "Let" functions written in lowercase, please change them starting with uppercase.
  • Issue workaround: The Root Causes analysis don't work (shows empty) in the right side chart (PAPO) of the Process Discovery view. The issue can be fixed as follows by an administrator: click the Edit toggle button, click the right side chart, click the Edit icon in the top right of the chart, click the chart again, click Properties icon in the top right of the chart, open Variables tab, find the InfluenceAttributeTypeId variable, and change its value to empty (instead of 20). Click Close twice to go back to the main level and click Save button. The issue will be fixed to 2020.3.
  • Issue workaround: In ChartView, the Duration between events measure and dimension don't work when there are filters in use (the chart is empty). Workaround is to add the following Suffix expression to the measure or dimension settings (without quotes): "//eventtypes". The issue will be fixed to 2020.3.


  • 307779: SAML 2.0 support for PA UI.
  • 307789: PAPO now supports ModelId variable and new filters.
  • 307854: Filter selector for main header.
  • 307844: Improved main header (visible in view designer and workspace) (part 2).
  • 307820: Improved main header (visible in view designer and workspace).
  • 307840: Model loading script is now run in a security context allowing access to the project. Setting AllowExternalDatasources for disabling ODBC interfaces.
  • 307763: Root causes analysis supports multiple case attributes.
  • 307737: Datatable columns can be queried without loading entire datatable into memory.
  • 307780: When user logs in, last used model and default filter of the model is added to the session context.
  • 307547: Expression filter rule supports value conversion expression for better compatibility with e.g. date values.
  • 307841: Expression language has a new function Case.DurationBetweenEvents.
  • 307819: Expression language improvements for functions, variables and statements.
  • 307827: New function EventsWindow (and expression optimization to take it into use automatically)
  • 307794: GenericWrite permission should see model object counts when case level permissions are in use.
  • 307776: Effective permissions can be queried using expression language.
  • 307838: /api/projects returns effective permissions for each project.
  • 307832: Browser side caching has been optimized for performance.
  • 307787: Session data and permission are cached for improved performance.
  • 307853: Memory management operations to expression language.
  • 307803: Error message improvements (part 2).

Fixed bugs:

  • 219198: In web.config, empty setting names are formatted as <value></value>.
  • 219199: In web.config, ResponsePollingInterval is 3600000.
  • 219200: Model.EstimatedMemory gave too large estimate for models with lot of event types.
  • 219222: AggregateOthers didn't work with MaximumRowCount when dimensions is null in expression analysis.
  • 219276: It should be possible to set filter to be model default filter when the filter is created.
  • 219280: It should be possible to delete model default filter.
  • 219275: Changing model default filter should only be possible for ManageViews permission.
  • 219297: Designer user can delete other people published filter from web UI but cannot delete it from PA Excel Client.
  • 219285: Expression filter gives "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32".
  • 219304: Expression analysis returning DataFrame doesn't work in SQL script that prints to Excel sheet.
  • 219251: Sample files removed from \\Release\Files\OfficeAddIns\Excel\Example Data.
  • 219293: AnalyzeConformance function throws KeyNotFoundException - variation data missing.
  • 219261: Restored model model could not be open.
  • 219271: Invalid security notification when using Excel client.
  • 219298: X-Forwarded-For handled incorrectly in Functions.GetClientIpAddress.
  • 219305: Decimal datatype caused problems in the expression language.
  • 219323: Delete operation deleted unexpected project, models and datatables.
  • 219337: EventTypes in ModelInformation in PA response should contain entire model data.
  • 219339: Expression language: If statement without false statement causes an exception if the condition is false.
  • 219172: Invalid filterId causes "Internal server error" and " Method Not allow" error.
  • 219258: Exception message is not shown properly in PA Web UI for FaultException.
  • 219281: Improving the error handling for invalid ModelId.
  • 219284: Client side forces filterId=0 even if filter is not mentioned.
  • 219313: After adding the same existing panel twice, not possible to delete it from the view.
  • 219320: Duplicate id on PanelDesigner field-properties.html template.
  • 219336: When PAPO is added from tool palette, InfluenceAttributeTypeId variable contains invalid value "20" (should be empty).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2020.1 (release date 2020-01-21)

Build number: 2020.1.0.40909, Model compatibility version: 3, Database version: 65, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 32.


  • 307749: Support for importing data to the datatable models.
  • 307813: DataSourceType parameter to --#ImportEvents and --#ImportCaseAttributes ETL scripting commands.
  • 307743: Backend support for saving the new filters.
  • 307775: Effective dashboard permissions are included to dashboard definition when fetched from the server.
  • 307772: Dashboard project path is added to dashboard definition when fetched from the server.
  • 307778: When saving a view, the view is not anymore reloaded unnecessary.
  • 307810: Expression language adjustments.
  • 307818: Drop support for QPR ProcessAnalyzer Excel Client for Excel 2013.

Fixed bugs:

  • 219236: Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.dll and Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.xml files missing when installing QPR ScriptLauncher from the installation package.
  • 219291: QPR ProcessAnalyzer didn't work in https only configuration.
  • 219264: DataFrameMode enabled for KPI analysis even if Values have been defined (but Dimensions is empty).
  • 219223: Variable function don't work with upper case variables.
  • 219267: Viewing DataFrame contents in KPI analysis gives incorrect results.
  • 219279: DataFrame columns by name is unavailable inside user defined functions in KPI analysis.
  • 219259: It should be possible to enable CORS from all origins.
  • 219274: "Inconsistent or unavailable ids" error when using all cases filter.
  • 219290: Getting contents of a dashboard is slow in a customer environment.
  • 219286: User could not open any models after using broken model.
  • 219227: Slowness in model creation when read data from datasource - event cost calculation improvements.
  • 219250: Slowness in event creation when read data from datasource - group by event sorting.
  • 219292: Performance issue in /api/uielements as it unnecessarily fetched dashboard contents.
  • 219295: Client side fix for 219292.
  • 219269: Query results were handled incorrectly in the client side - datatype is cell specific, not column specific.

Additional release for QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.9 (release date 2019-12-18)

Build number: 2019.9.0.40754, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 63, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 32.


  • Starting from QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.9 the separately installed QPR UI is not needed anymore. Instead, the web UI is now part of QPR ProcessAnalyzer and does not require a separate installation. The new UI can be accessed in http(s)://SERVER/QPRPA/ui/ (where SERVER is the hostname of your QPR ProcessAnalyzer server). Dashboards in the old QPR UI are not moved automatically to QPR ProcessAnalyzer, and also the QPR UI dashboard export files are not compatible with the new QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307785: Angular Migration: Migrate ProcessAnalyserService.
  • 307786: Angular Migration: Migrate FieldPropertiesUtils.

Fixed bugs for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219262: Login to PA UI is not possible when there is + character in the password
  • 219263: Opening dashboard which definition is large
  • 219257: It should be possible to get DataFrame cell value by column name in expression analysis

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.9 (release date 2019-12-10)

Build number: 2019.9.0.40704, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 63, PACM file version: 7, Protocol version: 32.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307484: Implemented Excel client protocol version for improved compatibility for older Excel Clients.
  • 307564: Case sampling is disabled by default.
  • 307724: There is a support for self-signed certificate for QPR ProcessAnalyzer service.
  • 307705: User related information and session id is available for HTML presentation objects.
  • 307712: Error messages from the backend are shown in UI
  • 307750: PA UI Frontend (part 3)

Fixed bugs for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219170: Conformance checking didn't work when there is a non-existing bpmn task between parallel gateway and the end event.
  • 219152: Loading model into memory doesn't anymore require a ResetModelCache permission.
  • 219213: Improved model loading performance when using ODBC, datatable and expression datasources.
  • 219218: Order of the comparison rules incorrectly affected the influence analysis results.
  • 219240: Import model or export model from filter gave "Input string was not in a correct format" error.
  • 219238: Fix for error message "CommunicationException: The remote host closed the connection".
  • 219249: Access was incorrectly denied for non system admins when saving a new dashboard.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.8 (release date 2019-10-30)

Build number: 2019.8.0.40391, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 62, PACM file version: 7.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219210: ScriptLaucher CSV export should quote string values with double quotes when the string value contains semicolon.
  • 219143: IIS https only setup does not work.
  • 219186: Event.IndexInCase had issue with event type filters.
  • 219167: Event.OutgoingFlowOccurrence and Event.IncomingFlowOccurrence had issues with event type filters.
  • 218689: _.Cases and _.Events doesn't work as a root in EventLog context in KPI Analysis.
  • 219004: PA license expiration causes unclear error in UI.
  • 219187: KeyNotFound exception occurred when include only all cases from the Path Analysis.
  • 219197: Minor issues in ODBC datasource.
  • 219207: Flowchart influence analysis does not work properly when using both Filter and Comparison parameters.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.7 (release date 2019-09-25)

Build number: 2019.7.0.40226, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 61, PACM file version: 7.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307655: Drop support for SQL core as PA data source (Part 5 Memory optimization).
  • 307696: New PA Web UI Backend.
  • 307710: New PA Web UI Backend (part 2).

Fixed bugs for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219164: Event.NextInCase/PreviousInCase didn't work with event type filters.
  • 219136: ODBC model not support import and remove functionality.
  • 219171: Event.NextInCase and Event.PreviousInCase requires CaseEvents preprocessing.
  • 219173: Out of memory error and application pool crashing in customer environment.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.6 (release date 2019-08-08)

Build number: 2019.6.0.40009, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 59, PACM file version: 7.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307260: Update to Visual Studio 2017 and update to .Net 4.7.1.

Fixed bugs for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219106: Datetime ticks property in the expression language should be in UTC.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.5 (release date 2019-06-19)

Build number: 2019.5.0.39902, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 59, PACM file version: 7.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307330: Filtering renewal: PAPO.
  • 307638: Angular Migration: Migrate Analysis classes part 3.
  • 307653: Angular Migration: Migrate Analysis classes part 4.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307649: Drop support for SQL core as PA data source (Part 4 Source code removal).

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 219040: Clustering analysis expression doesn't take into account model without any case attributes.
  • 219001: Case Analysis always limited to 1000 rows (other analyses have the same problem).
  • 219042: PAPO: "Influence Analysis for Case Attributes", value is rounded to closest integer.
  • 218944: PAPO: Recycle bin icon in filter rule name is not visible when there is long text without spaces.
  • 219041: When duration limit 0, filters made from duration beams don't work.
  • 219099: Datetimes in expression language query don't show fraction of seconds (QPR UI).
  • 219103: PAPO: context menu is not working in KPI analysis.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219062: GetModels is slow for admin.
  • 218978: Odd 1 million filter is adapted once you remove your custom filter.
  • 219015: Script Launcher million rows limit when exporting to excel csv.
  • 219022: GetModelAsStream webservice not support modelId.
  • 219080: JSON filtering does not work with flowchart analysis.
  • 219087: Increase from 1GB to 2GB limit in PA webservice.
  • 219032: PAPO Variation Analysis is not drawn.
  • 219017: Datetimes in expression language query don't show fraction of seconds (PA CORE).

Additional release for QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.4 (release date 2019-05-31)

Build number: 2019.4.0.39800, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 59, PACM file version: 7.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 219078: PAPO loses saved filter when changing analysis
  • 219000: User with only Analyzer role can see and use private filter created by Administrator.
  • 219049: Copy of a model with odbc datasource doesn't have filters from the original model.
  • 219044: Calculated case attributes don't work with odbc model without defined cases.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307611: Drop support of PAIK.
  • 307636: Drop PA Excel client support for Excel 2010, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.
  • 307628: Drop support for SQL core as PA data source (Part 3 Source code removal).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.4 (release date 2019-05-07)

Build number: 2019.4.0.39420, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • Custom dashboards for QPR ProcessAnalyzer can be browsed and edited more easily, as there is a Dashboards menu item available.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307419: Change the database connection type to use in-memory core (PA Core).
  • 307324: Drop support for SQL core as PA data source (Part 1: Export from EventLog).
  • 307619: Drop support for SQL core as PA data source (Part 2: Remove analysis 26, 27 and 28).
  • 307523: Refactor ModelInformation code in PA Core.
  • 307613: Quick & Easy memory usage optimizations: PA Core.
  • 307618: Prediction capability to expression language.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218909: Data grid based analysis jumping.
  • 218971: PAPO Variation analysis has both paths and counts at the same time.
  • 218972: PAPO Duration analysis missing the grouped by dimension (default value is not set in analysis).
  • 218969: Event attribute "Cost" doesn't work in Profiling Events analysis and in Expression language.
  • 219006: Case id's (case names) are interpreted as numbers by PAPO.
  • 219027: Numerical attributes are shown as zero decimals in some analysis in data grid presentations.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218938: Filter rules information is not showing names for odbc loaded models and calculated case/event attributes.
  • 218945: PA UI Profiling and Event type analysis with selections costs are lost.
  • 218976: Inconsistency in pre-processing CaseEvents results.
  • 219012: Pre-loaded models give null reference exception.
  • 219008: Key is not in dictionary is thrown when selecting benchmark case attribute.
  • 219034: Model calculation context for expression data source is not initialized correctly.
  • 218920: Private filters are visible for other users (which is fine for admins but not for other user types).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.3 (release date 2019-03-27)

Build number: 2019.3.0.38860, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • It's possible to add calculated case and event attributes to QPR ProcessAnalyzer models using the expression language. Calculated attributes are created when the model is loaded into memory, and they are available in the analyses like the normal imported attributes. Calculated attributes allow e.g. data conversions and cleansing, and also making calculations beforehand to improve performance.
  • QPR ProcessAnalyzer has a new Clustering Analysis, which divides cases into similar groups based in case attributes and occurred types of events. Clustering analysis provides a new way to understand and structure your process mining data.
  • In the expression language, the left out rows can be aggregated as the last row, which is useful, e.g. when you want to present only the most important data but still see the total amount of cases in the model. Also ChartView contains a new setting Group and Show Others using this expression language feature.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307507: Disable rectangular selection in flowchart.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307545: KPI: Clustering analysis and related utility functions.
  • 307512: Expression language: Description attribute to Model.
  • 306900: Calculated case and event attributes.
  • 307533: Level of event log pre-processing can be set for expression analysis.
  • 307575: Change items memory caching times.
  • Support for Windows 8 has been dropped. Windows 8.1 is still supported.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218863: Model manager not updated after changing Filter Id.
  • 218874: Sorting and filtering icons overlap in datagrid.
  • 218922: There should be default maximum number of items for different analyses created from tool palette.
  • 218723: Empty analysis window after error thrown by PA service.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218908: Wrong Client data in operation log.
  • 218928: Expression filter doesn't work with integers.
  • 218940: Model eventlog can drop from memory.
  • 218927: JSON filtering for case attributes doesn't work with nulls.
  • 218779: Source data formatted to two decimals accuracy but PA total cost flowchart show much more decimals.
  • 218943: ODBC SQL boolean values does not work with filter CaseAttributeValue.
  • 218965: Accessing calculated event attribute value from EventType.Events -property does not work.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.2 (release date 2019-02-14)

Build number: 2019.2.0.38539, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307423: Improved memory management: unused objects are automatically dropped from the memory. Settings can be configured in web.config or from the model JSON settings.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218838: KPI analysis: Event Occurrence Time isn't calculated properly, e.g. Period=Month fails.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218880: PAPO: odbc case and event attributes are not shown in dropdown menu.
  • 218877: Support material - Project admins are not able to create new users.
  • 218898: Importing XES file with xmlns -definition fails.
  • 218893: Model status shows incorrectly "offline" when Model event log is in memory and Model information not.
  • 218917: BaseContext.EvaluateChildExpression with given root object iterates the root object if it is an array.

Additional release for QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.1 (release date 2019-01-23)

Build number: 2019.1.0.38400, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307357: PA model management: Analysis requests canceling. All operations have new parameters QueryIdentifier and CancelEarlierQueriesWithIdentifier.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218806: Variation filter doesn't filter correctly.
  • 218802: It should not be able to load deleted models into memory.
  • 218866: Case Analysis shows "0" for textual Case Attribute (SelectedActivityCounts=0 column count and data not match).
  • 218862: Case Analysis returns incorrect Start and End times when start or end transition is selected.
  • 218847: Variation Analysis Include Only Cases Filter Fails when using Event Counts and filter.
  • 218765: Event Occurrence Time calculation for KPI analysis (Server side).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.1 (release date 2019-01-03)

Build number: 2019.1.0.38310, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • There are new training videos available for QPR ProcessAnalyzer in QPR Community. QPR ProcessAnalyzer users can access the videos by clicking Training Videos in the header menu of QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI.
  • ChartView can show several measures at the same time. In table, measures are in different columns, and in chart, measures are presented as different series.

Fixed bugs for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218768: Number of decimals is not updated in KPI analysis due to HistoryId context variable.
  • 218787: Datagrid export fails with numerical values.
  • 218757: KPI analysis - null value shown as NaN.0 in table.
  • 218794: Popup menu is replicated when PAPO is drawn multiple times.
  • 218740: Case Analysis Year period should not show thousand separator.
  • 218805: Analysis not shown after adding duration analysis to panel using view designer "shortcuts buttons".
  • 218804: PAPO showing only Analysis Window doesn't show anything when other PAPO hides the Analysis window.
  • 218815: Flowchart influence analysis does not always show the results in an identical way.
  • 218791: Flowcharts visibility stepper don't work in PA deployment package Process benchmarking view.
  • 218844: KPI Analysis sorting is not saved to the context variable.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218755: If user selects Influence Analysis for Case Attributes into analysis window, it freezes the analysis window completely.
  • 218756: PA model - with event attributes - without case attributes = event attributes shown in profiling case attributes analysis.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.8 (release date 2018-11-29)

Build number: 2018.8.0.38236, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • New types of charts have been added to the KPI Analysis in PAPO. In addition to the previously available column chart and table presentations, there are now bar, donut, area, line and spline charts.
  • Tool palette contains now items for each QPR ProcessAnalyzer analysis making it easier to create dashboards with different analyses. The analyses have also needed context variables predefined so that settings are saved to the dashboard.
  • Duration Influence Analysis is now calculated in the memory which makes it significantly faster than previously when it was calculated in the SQL Server.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307398: More chart types to KPI analysis, such as line chart, bar chart and donut chart.
  • 307473: PAPO tables exporting to Excel, Word and PDF

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218711: PAPO duration analysis is failing.
  • 218663: PAPO - KPI Analysis - Number of decimals effects column height.
  • 218664: PAPO - KPI Analysis - Default number of decimals in the drop-down list should be 1.
  • 218669: PAPO - KPI Analysis duration from - to.
  • 218557: PAPO - Duplicate flows when increasing the flow amounts in flowchart.
  • 218718: PAPO - Flowchart sometimes shows portions of the flowchart completely unconnected from start/end nodes of the flowchart.
  • 218668: PAPO - KPI Analysis - wrong names in droplist and wrong chart title.
  • 218666: PAPO - KPI Analysis - CamelCase column headers.
  • 218670: PAPO - KPI Analysis - title Duration between "undefined" and "undefined".
  • 218665: PAPO - KPI Analysis - numerical data should be shown linear on X axis.
  • 218629: PAPO - KPI Analysis - Year period should not show thousand separator.
  • 218667: PAPO - KPI Analysis - units are missing in table.
  • 218725: PAPO - KPI Analysis - NumberOfDecimals should be enabled for numerical case&event attribute.
  • 218731: PAPO - layout issue when displaying error message.
  • 218747: PAPO - KPI analysis - Column header text is not consistent with x-axis label.
  • 218762: PAPO - KPI Analysis - Error message doesn't disappear when switching from wrong selections to correct ones.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218727: Null values don't work in GroupBy/GroupByValue functions.
  • 218708: Filtering with duration value 0 does not work in duration analysis.
  • 218770: Case analysis with variation Id -> Exception: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  • 218771: Conformance: Parallel gateways having multiple branches with only one node aren't analyzed correctly.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.7 (release date 2018-10-10)

Build number: 2018.7.0.38036, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307319: Expression language: GroupBy and GroupByValue -functions.
  • 307370: PAPO/A1 cell case/event/event type/variation count should only show cases user has permissions in case level security.
  • 307369: String handling functions in the expression language.
  • 307424: KPI analysis in generic context.
  • 307439: Quick & easy expression language improvements.
  • 307336: PA performance improvement (part 1).

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218673: Null values in PA expression language should appear as nulls in datasets.
  • 218693: Performance for PAPO's data grids has been optimized.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218453: .TMP files is not deleted always. After 65k .TMP files exist then PA service stop working. If issue is encountered, workaround is to manually delete .TMP files (e.g. files are located in folder C:\Windows\Temp or C:\Users\<pa_applicationpool_user>\AppData\Local\Temp).
  • 218643: InMemory: Open model after pacm file import fails to "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.".
  • 218652: Access denied. Unexpected ModelEventLog dropping object with from cache.
  • 218648: Import empty model with filter crash (evevenlog.Content is null).
  • 218685: XES import runs out of memory when importing BPIC2018 -model.
  • 218690: Expressions returning boolean values should be returned to QPR UI as booleans.
  • 218687: Average and Sum functions should return null for zero length arrays instead of zero.
  • 218705: InMemoryCore: TotalCost in event analysis has incorrect values.
  • 218704: Mismatch in case counts in Variation Analysis when event type filter has been applied.
  • 218709: FileType parameter not select correct stream compression mode in ImportFromStream.
  • 218698: The given key was not present in the dictionary - Variation Analysis error.
  • 218710: PAPO case analysis is currently failing.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.6 (release date 2018-08-29)

Build number: 2018.6.0.37869, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights

  • KPI Analysis update: The KPI Analysis feature has new updates to it. The Analysis Menu design has new options that allow for efficient creation of KPI analysis presentations. Menu items have been grouped into sub-groups making finding analysis options much swifter.
  • Model load on startup: You can now define which models are loaded onto memory on startup allowing for quicker setup of QPR ProcessAnalyzer servers. This loads the key models needed directly into memory without any separate in-memory loading.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307351: KPI analysis UI - part 2

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218391: PA UI Flowchart selection does not clear automatically.
  • 218606: Edit mode is ON > Floating Action Buttons are not clickable.
  • 218626: PAPO: some popup menus are not closed properly in IE 11.
  • 218607: PAPO: popup menu is not displayed in IE 11.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218597: PA Exception details show null in QPR UI.
  • 218575: Incorrect results in conformance analysis calculation.
  • 218540: KPI analysis not working properly.
  • 218314: Variation analysis shows duplicate variations if there are excluded event types.
  • 218604: PA Excel client does not log enough during connection creation.
  • 218624: Estimatedmemory not calculated correctly when model not have events.
  • 218396: KPI analysis - ApplyAnalysisFilters. InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements.´
  • 218628: PAPO: Error popup appears, "Error processing QPR ProcessAnalyzer request.
  • 218631: Performance improvements (Path analysis was slow).
  • 218485: ProcessAnalyzer Excel client cannot be removed from Programs and Features, as it wont show up there.
  • 217775: GetAnalysis(18) should write a progress log entry after each chunk.
  • 217653: SQL command not in log when ODBC connection failed.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.5 (release date 2018-07-17)

Build number: 2018.5.0.37716, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights

  • QPR ProcessAnalyzer Deployment Package for QPR UI: The new version comes with preloaded QPR UI views that can instantly kickstart your Process Mining experience. These views are readymade and require no extra configuration. These views introduce new functionalities, such as ready made conformance views, for deploying a more varied Process Mining offering.
  • New Dashboard Design features: Panels can be now instantly developed and evaluated in viewer mode, allowing for a more powerful dashboard creation. The object placing logic has been overhauled, allowing for new options in creating dashboards.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218536: PAPO: KPI Analysis should not be available from Control Windows.
  • 218519: The numerical values in QPR ProcessAnalyzer Influence Analysis were aligned to the left.
  • 217888: Selection lost from influence analysis table when user slightly adjusts browser window or panel/presentation object window size.
  • 218465: PAPO: Newly created filters are not displayed in the list.
  • 218556: PAPO: An unnecessary vertical scrollbar was shown after PAPO Case Analysis was resized.
  • 218520: PAPO: Filter does not recognize decimal separators.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218537: ODBC xlsx loading failed with data format issue.
  • 218495: Changing default filter does not drop cached model information.
  • 218550: Accessing projects from expression language fails in some cases.
  • 218549: Datatable import from Excel sheet data corruption if first column value is empty.
  • 218558: Errors in default.aspx. Login fails.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.4 (release date 2018-06-11)

Build number: 2018.4.0.37669, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • ODBC driver support for QPR ProcessAnalyzer: Use external data sources to create a dynamic model that is updated every time the model is loaded. Using the ODBC driver, the model data can be accessed from a separate data source. All the event data information can be defined in JSON format allowing for automatic model creation.
  • KPI Analysis: A new analysis is added to QPR ProcessAnalyzer. KPI Analysis utilizes the KPI expression engine for creating visualizations of data. KPI Analysis is a fully fledged analysis that can be used in conjuction with the existing QPR ProcessAnalyzer analysis for more focused results. In addition, KPI Analysis is available as a separate QPR UI view for creation of dashboards that present real-time data taken from QPR ProcessAnalyzer.
  • Tabular Analysis results updated with data types: Analysis featuring tabulated data are now automatically updated with correct data types. Automatic data types allow for exporting the data in a format that can be used in other compatible tools as the data types are automatically defined into the data.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307265: KPI analysis UI - part 1 (KPI).
  • 307278: The tabular analyses (e.g. Case analysis) in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI now have the correct column data types based on the information from the QPR ProcessAnalyzer server.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218487: Influence analysis for Flowchart changes the flowchart settings.
  • 218498: No history entry is created while changing visibility threshold via stepper or context variable.
  • 218508: PAPO variation analysis should limit the queried number of variations.
  • 218513: PAPO settings buttons cover analysis content.
  • 218532: PAPO: Profiling analysis does not work with data loaded via ODBC.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218515: IIS crashes in kernel during Odbc query reading csv/xlsx file with Microsoft Access Text Driver and Microsoft Excel Driver.
  • 218484: ImportEvents fails in StartBackground mode.
  • 218525: InMemory CaseAnalysis ShowAllCases not work if there is cases without events.
  • 218463: Issue to install excel client (part 2).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.3 (release date 2018-04-23)

Build number: 2018.3.0.37545, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • Conformance Checking is supported in QPR ProcessAnalyzer. Using the KPI Expression Language as a basis, process mining models can be compared to BPMN notation and analyzed if the process data conforms to the BPMN design. These results are implemented in ChartView and KPI Expression Language allows them to be implemented into dashboards.
  • BPMN Editor has been added to ChartView. You can now import and design BPMN process maps for use in conformance analysis. The BPMN editor is a web component that is used in the browser, allowing for quick and easy process design. The designs can also be exported for further use.
  • Flowchart Visibility Settings have been overhauled with a new visual presentation. New stepper elements allow for more flexible flow threshold settings while maintaining a user-friendly approach.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218306: PAPO control window is affected by analysis window's 'Show as' setting.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218241: PA Duration Analysis In-Memory - numbers for Events and Cases too high (focus flow).
  • 218456: Issue to install excel client (part 1).

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.2 (release date 2018-03-12)

Build number: 2018.2.0.37453, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 58, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • Case Permissions have been added to the data security featureset. Case Permissions allow for limiting model visibility based on rules that reference the case attributes of a set model. Case permissions can refer to usernames or user groups, creating a link between the attributes and groups.
  • Influence Analysis for Case Attributes has been simplified. The feature presents basic information relating to the root causes when it is opened. If further information is needed, this can be accessed via the feature menu.
  • DataGrids support Excel exporting. You are now able to export data from fixed dashboards featuring datagrids. With this feature, you can take your data for further manipulation using Microsoft Excel.
  • Chartview has been improved with a new layout and excel exporting. The new layout allows for quicker access to creating charts using the ChartView tool. With the exporting functionality, the views created are exported for use in presentations in Microsoft Excel.
  • KPI Expression Language has been added with support for Influence Analysis for Case Attributes. This allows for further creation of dashboards with specific analysis result queries. Using the KPI expression language, dashboards can be made to present up-to-date data based on influence analysis results.
  • Dataset tag support for data visualization. Adding dataset tags will help in creating more dynamic chart presentations as the data can be inserted into the JSON settings of charts and datagrids.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307220: The Influence Analysis for Case Attributes settings now has a toggle for showing and hiding the detail columns.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218426: Using PAPO with customers model crashes PA Server (Entice Changes).

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218371: Event types aren't provided to PAPO by PA server.
  • 218372: Having multiple expressions in one selection item in a JSON filter does not work.
  • 218375: Empty comparison -setting with nonempty filter -setting causes influence analysis to return incorrect results.
  • 218380: PA Activation ends one day before the actual end date.
  • 218362: WebService GetAnalysisAsImage does not work.
  • 218389, 218397: Performance issues in PA in-memory core with multiple simultaneous users.
  • 218412: PercentageNumber property is not set properly in PA analyses.
  • 218410: Event attribute profiling event amount mismatch.
  • 218404: Using PAPO with customers model crashes PA Server (PA changes).
  • 218430: Pre-release mandatory PA bugfixes.

QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2018.1 (release date 2018-01-31)

Build number: 2018.1.0.37330, Model compatibility version: 2, Database version: 57, PACM file version: 7.

Release Highlights:

  • ChartView is introduced as a new QPR UI view. This interactive view allows the creation of customized charts to answer specific business needs, with measures and dimensions the user has selected. ChartView comes preloaded with numerous different presentation features for the creation of customized charts fit for any business need.
  • New Table Filtering for Data Table Views. A new Excel-style filtering feature has been added to the different analysis features, such as Influence Analysis for Case Attributes and Event Analysis. The feature allows the presentation and comparison of different data using robust filters.
  • The QPR UI version of QPR ProcessAnalyzer has an overhauled popup menu. Selecting different analysis and creating new filters is quicker and new icons have been added for added clarity.
  • XES filetype importing support. The IEEE TaskForce standardized XES logs are now supported by QPR ProcessAnalyzer. This filetype aims to unify the transactional data produced by information systems and makes them usable in tools used in data analysis.

Full Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 307244: The various tables (e.g. Case Analysis) in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI received filtering functionality familiar to the one in Microsoft Excel.
  • 307163: Popup menu improvements.
  • 307224: Cache model information into browser side.

Features for QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 307271: PA InMemory core, part 7 (Canceling analysis).
  • 307247: XES Event log file format support.
  • 307257, 307270: PA KPI's and expressions (part 3, 4).
  • 307211: Enable custom data sources: Selections as JSON.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer UI:

  • 218327: PAPO Grid view row selection issues when opening popup menu.
  • 218328: PAPO Missing null check in ModelState.
  • 218365: PAPO: Settings etc. buttons not visible in the latest chrome version (automatically updated).
  • 218324: Fixed an issue where a dataset wasn't refreshed when a context variable was changed from PAPO.

Fixed bugs in QPR ProcessAnalyzer:

  • 218288: PA service installation with DeployPAService.ps1.
  • 218291: Problem with --#GetAnalysis type 31 (filter rules).
  • 218315: PAPO: InMemoryCore: Offline mode shows incorrect case attribute values.
  • 217922: Filtering Flow Table with Case Attribute is too slow.
  • 218321: PA core - Internal server error in PAPO when duration analysis result is empty.
  • 218322: Flow analysis results not always in same order (InMemory).
  • 218340: Not allow to delete default filter ("No access/Access denied").
  • 218345: Unknown filter rule. The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  • 218363: Attribute values are sent to clients as strings from InMemory profiling analysis.
  • 218365: PAPO: Settings etc. buttons not visible in the latest chrome version (automatically updated).
  • 218379: PAPO: Side panels visible in multi papo even if they should be closed and invisible.

Old Releases

See older releases in QPR ProcessAnalyzer Release Archive